Former Fellows

Professor Barry Halliwell

Categories: Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cell Biology, Metabolism (inc diabetes and obesity), Molecular Biology
Location: University of Singapore
Fellow 1983-1998Area of Current Research Interests Understanding the molecular mechanisms of cell injury and death in human disease and in response to toxins. The role of antioxidants in nutrition, health and disease. Natural and synthetic antioxidants as therapeutic agents, especially for neurodegenerative disease. Fundamental mechanisms of the ageing processOther Information Previous Posts: Head of Biochemistry Department, King’s College (1988-1990). Professor of Medical Biochemistry in the Division of Pharmacology, University of London, King’s College, 1998-2000. Deputy Director, Office of Life Science, NUS 2001-03 Head, Department of Biochemistry, NUS 2000-2007. Executive Director, NUS Graduate School of Integrative Sciences & Engineering, 2003-2008. Deputy President (Research & Technology), NUS, 2006-May 2015. Senior Advisor to the President NUS, Jun 2015-May 2018Awards: Award from the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) Top Cited Scientist in the United Kingdom in Biomedical Sciences, 1999. Chosen as a founder member of the ISI database of the world’s most influential scientists in Biology and Biochemistry, 2000. Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Scientist (cross-field) Awarded by Thomson Reuters as one of the world’s most highly-cited researchers in Neurobiology & Behaviour, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Biology and Biochemistry. Awarded lifetime membership of the Oxygen Club of California, 2002. Awarded the status of “most cited scientist” in Agricultural Sciences, ranked 16 out of 1663 worldwide in ISI database, 2003. Awarded Research Excellence Award, School of Medicine, NUS, 2005. Laboratory ranked number 1 worldwide by highest citation score in Free Radical Research, 2007. Awarded “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Society for Free Radical Biology & Medicine in the USA, 2008. Awarded by FEBS Letters as top reviewer for 2009-2010. Awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) by the President of Singapore for contributions to Singapore, 2010. Awarded by Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA) as a “Campus Leader Who Cares” in 2011 Awarded the Ken Bowman Research Award for outstanding achievements in the field of cardiovascular research from the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (Canada) in 2011. Awarded status of “Redox Pioneer” by the high impact journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling in 2011. Two research papers were recognized as Citation Classics by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and a commentary published in Current Contents. Awarded NUS University Award – Outstanding Researcher Award in 2012. Recognised as a Fellow of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine for outstanding contributions made to the association as well as the field of free radical chemistry, redox biology and antioxidants, 2012. Elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2012. Awarded the Science and Technology Medal by the President of Singapore “for distinguished sustained and exceptional contributions to Singapore’s Science and Engineering landscape”, 2013. Received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Singapore Neuroscience Association, 2014. Received the Society of Nutrition and Food Science Advances in Nutrition Research Award, 2015.

Professor Barry Halliwell

Fellow 1983-1998 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding the molecular...

Professor Muzlifah Haniffa

Categories: DNA/RNA, Genomics, Immunology
Location: Newcastle University

Fellow 2016-2021

Area of Current Research
In vivo kinetics and functional response of human mononuclear phagocytes during acute tissue inflammation

Other Information
Foulkes Foundation Medal 2019.
Elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2020.
Elected to membership of the Institute, 2021

Professor Muzlifah Haniffa

Fellow 2016-2021 Area of Current Research In vivo kinetics and...

Professor Phillip T Hawkins

Categories: Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Location: Babraham Institute

Fellow 1988-1993

Area of Current Research Interests
Understanding molecular mechanisms by which intracellular signalling enzymes (the phosphoinositide 3-kinases; P13Ks) and their lipid products regulate cellular processes (movement, survival and proliferation).

Other Information
Transferred to the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Babraham, on 1.10.90.
Appointed a BBSRC Senior Research Fellow, 1993.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2013.

Professor Phillip T Hawkins

Fellow 1988-1993 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding molecular mechanisms...

Dr Sophie Helaine

Categories: Immunology, Infection, Molecular Biology, Pathogens
Location: Harvard Medical School

Title of Research Project
Salmonella Persister formation at the single cell level

Dr Sophie Helaine

Title of Research Project Salmonella Persister formation at the single...

Dr Matthew Hepworth

Categories: Gastrointestinal, Immunology, Infection, Metabolism (inc diabetes and obesity), Microbiology
Location: University of Manchester
Title of Research Project
Targeting cell metabolism to regulate innate lymphoid cells in health and disease

Dr Matthew Hepworth

Title of Research Project Targeting cell metabolism to regulate innate...

Professor Allan E Herbison

Categories: Endocrinology, Neurobiology, Physiology, Reproductive/Foetal
Location: University of Cambridge

Fellow 1992-1997

Area of Current Research Interests
The neural regulation of reproductive functioning, specifically looking at the role of different neuronal cell types in the regulation of fertility using molecular, cellular and whole animal studies.

Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow
Awarded the Drapers Research Fellowship, 1991-1994.
Promoted to Principal Scientific Officer, April 1994.
Fellow of Pembroke College from 1.10.94.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1998.
Awarded Benoit Prize, Société de Neuroendrocrinologie Expérimentale, France, 1998.
Promoted to Senior Principal Research Scientist, 2000.
Awarded Ernst Knobil Prize, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 2000.
Awarded Wellcome Trust Overseas Research Fellowship from 1.9.02 (to be taken up in New Zealand).
Appointed Professor in the Department of Physiology, University of Otago, Dunedin, 1.9.02.
Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2007.
Awarded Liley Medal, Health Research Council of New Zealand, 2009.
Awarded Triennial Medal, Physiological Society of New Zealand, 2011.
Awarded Distinguished Research Medal, University of Otago, 2011.
Mortyn Jones Medal, British Society for Neuroendocrinology, 2015
Appointed Professor of Neuroendocrinology, University of Cambridge, 2019.

Professor Allan E Herbison

Fellow 1992-1997 Area of Current Research Interests The neural regulation...

Dr Nicholas J Holmes

Location: University of Cambridge

Fellow 1990-1995

Area of Current Research Interests
Understanding the processes involved in immune cell recognition of antigens and in immune response initiation. Role of the transmembrane protein CD45 in lymphocyte activation and regulation.

Other Information
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.

Dr Nicholas J Holmes

Fellow 1990-1995 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding the processes...

Professor Steven W J Homans

Location: University of Leeds

Fellow 1991-1996

Area of Current Research Interests
Understanding biomolecular recognition at the atomic level. Specifically the dynamics and thermodynamics of biomolecular interactions using a range of biophysical techniques and molecular modeling.

Other Information
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.92.
Transferred as Reader in Chemistry to the University of St Andrews from 1.10.94.
Appointed Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, 1.10.96.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1998.
Received Zeneca Award from the Biochemical Society, 1998.
Appointed Professor of Structural Biology (NMR), University of Leeds, 1.3.99.
Newcastle University as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Science, Agriculture & Engineering, January 2012.

Professor Steven W J Homans

Fellow 1991-1996 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding biomolecular recognition...

Professor Christopher A Hunter

Categories: DNA/RNA, Medicinal Chemistry
Location: University of Cambridge

Fellow 1994-1999

Area of Current Research Interests
Study of large molecular assemblies and biopolymers to understand the chemistry of weak intermolecular forces (non-covalent interactions) through the determination of thermodynamic properties, computer modeling and molecular design.

Other Information
Appointed Reader retrospectively from 1.10.94.
Zeneca Research Award for Organic Chemistry, 1995.
Appointed Lister Institute Professor of Chemistry, 1997
Appointed Head of Organic Chemistry, 1998.
Awarded the Corday-Morgan Medal, 1999.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2000.
Appointed EPSRC senior research fellow, 2005.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2008.
Awarded RSC Tilden Prize, 2009.
Moved to University of Cambridge, 2014.
Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy, 2015

Professor Christopher A Hunter

Fellow 1994-1999 Area of Current Research Interests Study of large...