Former Fellows

Professor Nicholas B La Thangue

Location: University of Oxford
Fellow 1987-1992Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms regulating cancer cell growth and proliferation (particularly the pRb/E2F pathway). Transcription factors and co-activator proteins in co-ordinating the cell cycle and other physiological processes.Other Information Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow. Awarded a tenured position at NIMR from 1.10.92. Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993. Appointed to the Cathcart Chair of Biochemistry at the University of Glasgow from 1.10.95. Chief Scientific Officer of Prolifix, from 1996. Elected to European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 2003. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2004. Moved to John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2008. Moved to Old Road Campus Research Building, Oxford, 2011.

Professor Nicholas B La Thangue

Fellow 1987-1992 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms regulating cancer...

Professor Tomoyuki Tanaka

Categories: Cancer, Cell Biology, Genetics /Epigenetics, Molecular Biology
Location: University of Dundee

Fellow 2005-2010

Area of Current Research Interests
Mechanisms regulating chromosome duplication and segregation in the cell division cycle.

Other Information
Awarded Professorship December 2007.
Awarded the Hook Medal from the British Society for Cell Biology, 2007.
Elected an EMBO member, 2008.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2009.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2011.

Professor Tomoyuki Tanaka

Fellow 2005-2010 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms regulating chromosome...

Professor Colin W Taylor

Categories: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology, Imaging, Molecular Biology, Molecular Biophysics, Pharmacology/ Therapeutics, Physiology
Location: University of Cambridge

Fellow 1992-1997

Area of Current Research Interests
Intra-cellular calcium signaling: specifically the regulation of calcium entry pathways, the structure and function of intra-cellular calcium channels, signalling receptors and G-proteins.

Other Information
Appointed Reader, Department of Pharmacology 1995 Elected a Member of the Institute, 1998.
Awarded ScD by the University of Cambridge, 1999.
Appointed Professor of Cellular Pharmacology, 1.10.01.
Biochemical Society, Council 2002-2005.
Elected member of Academia Europaea, 2013.
Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator 2014.
Elected Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences, 2016.

Professor Colin W Taylor

Fellow 1992-1997 Area of Current Research Interests Intra-cellular calcium signaling:...

Dr Sarah Teichmann

Categories: Cell Biology, Genomics, Immunology, Proteomics
Location: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge

Fellow 2010-2015

Area of Current Research Interests
Bioinformatics and network biology for unraveling regulation of T helper cell differentiation

Other Information
Elected as EMBO member 2012.
Moved to EMBL-EBI & Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, 2013
Fellowship extended to 31 December 2015.
EMBO Gold Medal 2015.
Elected Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences 2015.
Head of Cellular Genetics, WSI 2016.
Elected a Member of the Institute 2016.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2020.

Dr Sarah Teichmann

Fellow 2010-2015 Area of Current Research Interests Bioinformatics and network...

Professor Christopher Thompson

Location: University College London

Fellow 2006-2012

Area of Current Research Interests
Identifying and characterizing genes that control cell fate choice and social behavior.

Other Information
Fellowship extended until 31.08.12.
Elected a member of the Institute, 2013.
Awarded Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2013.
Moved to University College London, 2017.

Professor Christopher Thompson

Fellow 2006-2012 Area of Current Research Interests Identifying and characterizing...

Professor Kostas Tokatlidis

Categories: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Metabolism (inc diabetes and obesity), Molecular Biology, Structural Biology
Location: University of Glasgow

Fellow 2001-2003

Area of Current Research Interests
Molecular mechanisms of mitochondria biogenesis with particular emphasis on the targeting, membrane translocation and assembly processes for membrane proteins using yeast. Role of Tim proteins as chaperones.

Oxidative folding and redox signalling in mitochondria in health and disease. Peptide-based pharmaceutical targeting of mitochondria for theranostic applications

Other Information
Resigned fellowship, 30 September 2003.
Appointed Associate Professor, University of Crete in the Institute of Biology & Molecular Biology, 1.10.03.
Consumables expenditure extended until 1.10.04.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2005.
Elected EMBO member 2013.
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2013.
Moved to University of Glasgow, 2013.
Cathcart Chair, University of Glasgow, 2013
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2016.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, 2020
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021
Director of Research, School of Molecular Biosciences, University of Glasgow, 2022
Elected member of Academia Europaea (MAE), 2022

Professor Kostas Tokatlidis

Fellow 2001-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular mechanisms of...

Dr Cathy Tournier

Categories: Cancer, Microbiology
Location: University of Manchester

Fellow 2001-2006

Area of Current Research Interests
MAPK signalling in cancer.

Other Information
Fellowship extended to 16.2.07.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2007.
Promoted to Senior lecturer 2012.

Dr Cathy Tournier

Fellow 2001-2006 Area of Current Research Interests MAPK signalling in...