Research Achievements

Research Achievements


  • First synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  • Definition of the structure of co-enzyme A
  • Discovery that immunological specificity of bacteria is conferred by certain oligosaccharides on their surfaces
  • The biosynthesis, genetic control and chemical nature of the human A, B, H and Lewis blood group antigens

Understanding pathogens and disease mechanisms

  • Devising the method for identifying blood meals of insect vectors.
  • First description of L-forms of bacteria lacking cell walls.
  • Discovery that immunological specificity of bacteria is conferred by certain oligosaccharides on their surfaces.
  • Discovery of the Vi antigen of Salmonella typhi.
  • Motility of flagellated strains of salmonellas used to study phage transduction and its inheritance.
  • First description of the bacterial sex pilus and its exploitation for studying bacterial plasmids, including those conferring resistance to antibiotics.

Pioneering techniques in blood and blood products

  • Invention of ether method for fractionating plasma to obtain fibrinogen, thrombin, albumin, immunoglobulins etc. for clinical use.
  • Large-scale production of dried human plasma.
  • Development of the first clinically effective Factor VIII concentrate for treating haemophilia.
  • Development of the first anti-D immunoglobulin for treating rhesus-negative mothers.
  • Development of the radio-immunoassay used nationally to screen blood for hepatitis B.

Improving health around the world

  • Research leading to the banning of three toxic pesticides in Sri Lanka associated with self-poisoning.
  • Identifying and establishing the life cycles of trypanosomes, parasites which cause Human African sleeping sickness.
  • First isolations in West Africa and the UK of Chlamydias affecting the eye and genital tract.

Human biology and biochemistry

  • Discovery that DNA fingerprints are unique, except in identical twins, making Sir Alec Jeffreys the father of DNA profiling. This achievement led to a 1990 Queen’s award for Technological Achievement.
  • First synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • Definition of the structure of co-enzyme A.
  • Discovery of sequential mutations in surface antigens and their hindrance on the development of protective immunity.
  • The biosynthesis, genetic control and chemical nature of the human A, B, H and Lewis blood group antigens.
  • Blood group genetic study and the establishment of reference centres (Medical Research Council Units).