Professor Christopher A Hunter
Fellow 1994-1999
Area of Current Research Interests
Study of large molecular assemblies and biopolymers to understand the chemistry of weak intermolecular forces (non-covalent interactions) through the determination of thermodynamic properties, computer modeling and molecular design.
Other Information
Appointed Reader retrospectively from 1.10.94.
Zeneca Research Award for Organic Chemistry, 1995.
Appointed Lister Institute Professor of Chemistry, 1997
Appointed Head of Organic Chemistry, 1998.
Awarded the Corday-Morgan Medal, 1999.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2000.
Appointed EPSRC senior research fellow, 2005.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2008.
Awarded RSC Tilden Prize, 2009.
Moved to University of Cambridge, 2014.
Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy, 2015