Former Fellows

Professor Andrew Jackson

Categories: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, DNA/RNA, Genetics /Epigenetics, Molecular Biology
Location: John Radcliffe Hospital, King’s College London, MRC Human Genetics Unit Western General Hospital
Fellow 2009-2014Area of Current Research Interests Microcephaly, genome stability, inflammation and growthOther Information MRC Senior Clinical Fellowship 2007-2012. Balfour Lectureship, Genetics Society, 2012. Transferred to Medical Research Council Institute of Genetics October 2011. GSK Prize, Biochemical Society, 2012. Elected to EMBO membership 2013. Promoted to Professor 2013. Fellow of Royal Society Edinburgh, 2014. Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2014. Elected a member of the Institute 2015. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2020.

Professor Andrew Jackson

Fellow 2009-2014 Area of Current Research Interests Microcephaly, genome stability,...