Former Fellows

Professor Juan Martin-Serrano

Location: London School of Medicine
Fellow 2008-2013Area of Current Research Interests Functional parallels between HIV-1 budding and the last step of cell divisionOther Information Promoted to Senior Lecturer, 2008 Elected EMBO Young Investigator member, 2008. Professor of Viral Cell Biology, 2013. Elected a member of the Institute 2014. GlaxoSmithKline Award, Biochemical Society, 2014. Vice Dean (Research and Impact), Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine at King’s College, London, 2018.

Professor Juan Martin-Serrano

Fellow 2008-2013 Area of Current Research Interests Functional parallels between...

Professor Anthony Maxwell

Categories: Biochemistry, Biophysics, DNA/RNA, Infection, Microbiology, Microbiome, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology
Location: John Innes Centre Norwich

Fellow 1991-1997

Area of Current Research Interests
DNA gyrase and other DNA topoisomerases: structure, function and mechanisms of action; role in DNA replication, recombination and the control of gene expression. Antibiotic action and discovery. Galleria mellonella as a model for the human infant gut microbiome.

Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Reader in the Department of Biochemistry, 1.10.94.
Awarded Personal Chair in Biochemistry from 1.10.97.
Executive Editor, Nucleic Acids Research 1998-2007.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1998.
Head of Biol Chemistry, John Innes Centre, 2000-2016.
Hon. Professor of Biological Science, UEA, from 1.8.01.
Member of Faculty of 1000 (f1000), 2008.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008.
Gordon Conference Evaluation Committee, 2010-2017.
Member of the Antibiotic Action Advisory Board, 2012-2019.
Inspiralis Ltd. – Director, Founder, Consultant and Chairman of the Board, 2005.
Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 2016.
Editor of J. Mol. Biol 2016-present.
Normanby Lecture in Microbiology (Trinity College Dublin) 2016.
Hamied Foundation UK-India AMR Visiting Professorships; Academy of Medical Sciences, 2019.

Professor Anthony Maxwell

Fellow 1991-1997 Area of Current Research Interests DNA gyrase and...

Professor Robin May

Categories: Cell Biology, Imaging, Immunology, Infection, Microbiology, Pathogens
Location: University of Birmingham

Fellow 2010-2016

Area of Current Research Interests
The molecular basis of latency and dissemination during cryptococcosis

Other Information
Appointed Professor of Infectious Diseases, 2014.
Awarded Royal Society Research Merit Award, 2015.
Extended Fellowship to 30 September 2016.
Elected to membership of the Institute 2016.
Director, Institute of Microbiology & Infection, 2017-2020.
Chief Scientific Adviser, Food Standards Agency, 2020-present.
Appointed Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology, 2020
Appointed Gresham Professor of Physic, 2022

Professor Robin May

Fellow 2010-2016 Area of Current Research Interests The molecular basis...

Dr James G McCormack

Categories: Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cell Biology, Endocrinology, Gastrointestinal, Hepatology, Metabolism (inc diabetes and obesity), Physiology
Location: McC+R&D Consulting Ltd

Fellow 1988-1990

Area of Current Research Interests
Signalling pathways in cancer and normal cells; insulin signalling and its defects in type II diabetes; mechanisms of insulin action and of glucose uptake and resistance; insulin secretion and its control. Mitochondrial metabolism, its regulation, control and functions of intracellular and intramitochondrial calcium.

Drug discovery.

Other Information
Resigned fellowship 30.9.90 on appointment as Head of Biochemical Pharmacology, Syntex Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
Awarded DSc, University of Bristol, 1992.
Visiting Professor, University of Sunderland, 1994.
Appointed Head of Diabetes Biology Department, Novo Nordisk, A/S, Denmark, from 1.11.95.
Made Director of Diabetes Discovery, 1996.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Director of Target Cell Biology, Novo Nordisk, 1998.
Vice President, Target Cell Biology, Novo Nordisk, 2000.
Appointed Vice President for Discovery Research UK, OSI Pharmaceuticals from 1.6.02.
Vice President for Research, Prosidion from 1.12.04.
Chief Scientific Officer (from 1.12.04) and Senior Vice President for Research (from 1.7.07) at (OSI) Prodidion until 31.12.08.
Co-founded McC+R&D Consulting Ltd with Dr C Reynet, December 2009.

Dr James G McCormack

Fellow 1988-1990 Area of Current Research Interests Signalling pathways in...

Professor Malcolm McCrae

Location: University of Warwick

Fellow 1984-1990

Area of Current Research Interests
Molecular basis of viral pathogenicity using reoviruses (and mutagenesis studies). Molecular characterisation of rota viruses and their pathogenicity. Molecular epidemiological studies.

Other Information
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.85.
Appointed Reader in the Department of Biological Sciences from 1.10.87.
Fellowship extended for 1 year to 30.9.90.
Awarded Professor (Personal Chair) in Virology in the Department of Biological Sciences from 1.10.91.
Chairman, Warwick University Graduate School, since 1995.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.

Professor Malcolm McCrae

Fellow 1984-1990 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular basis of...

Professor Jane A McKeating

Location: University of Oxford

Fellow 1994-1999

Area of Current Research Interests
Role of glycoproteins in viral immunogenicity and pathogenicity with a focus on HIV and hepatitis.

Other Information
Presented with the 1995 Fleming Award by the Society of General Microbiology.
Appointed Reader from 1.10.96.
Resigned fellowship 31.7.99 on appointment as Head of Virology for Pfizer. Resigned from Pfizer, March 2000.
Appointed Reader in Virology, University of Birmingham from October, 2000.
Appointed Visiting Professor, Rockefeller University, New York, January 2001.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2003.
Appointed to Chair of Molecular Virology, Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Birmingham, 2005.
Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship at the Technical University of Munich, 2015-2018
Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 2016-2021.
Moved to Nuffield Department of Medicine, 2017.

Professor Jane A McKeating

Fellow 1994-1999 Area of Current Research Interests Role of glycoproteins...

Professor Darren G Monckton

Categories: Data Modelling and Big Data, Genetics /Epigenetics, Genomics, Molecular Biology, Reproductive/Foetal
Location: University of Glasgow

Fellow 1998-2003

Area of Current Research Interests
Interest in inherited human disorders associated with unstable DNA, e.g. myotonic dystrophy and Huntington’s Disease. Studying molecular mechanisms that give rise to somatic and germ line genetic instability. The relation of these factors to downstream pathology.

Other Information
Presented the Genetical Society’s Balfour Lecture 1999.
Promoted to Reader from 1.8.00.
Awarded Personal Chair in Human Genetics, 2005.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2005.
Awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship, 2007.
Presented the Tenovus (Scotland) Medal Lecture, 2008.
Awarded Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Science Communication Award, 2012.
Awarded Muscular Dystrophy UK President’s Award for Scientist of the Year, 2017.
Awarded Huntington’s Disease Society of America Researcher of the Year, 2019.

Professor Darren G Monckton

Fellow 1998-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Interest in inherited...

Professor Serge Mostowy

Categories: Cell Biology, Imaging, Immunology, Infection, Pathogens
Location: London School of Medicine
Fellow 2015-2021

Area of Current Research Interests
Bacterial autophagy and the cytoskeleton in host defence

Other Information
Transferred to LSHTM, June 2018.
Promoted to Professor, 2018.
Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellow, 2012.
Wellcome Beit Research Fellow, 2012.
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow, 2018.
ERC Consolidator Grant, 2019.
RMS Mid-Career Scientific Achievement Award, 2020.
Extended Fellowship to September 2021.
Elected to membership of the Institute, 2020.

Professor Serge Mostowy

Fellow 2015-2021 Area of Current Research Interests Bacterial autophagy and...