Former Fellows

Professor Ian Adams

Categories: Cell Biology, DNA/RNA, Genetics /Epigenetics, Imaging, Molecular Biology, Reproductive/Foetal
Location: University of Edinburgh
Fellow 2002-2007

Area of Current Research Interests

Entry of mouse primordial germ cells into meiosis.

Other Information Elected a Member of the Institute, 2008.

Appointed a Member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, 2014.

Professor Ian Adams

Fellow 2002-2007 Area of Current Research Interests Entry of mouse...

Professor Victoria J Allan

Location: University of Manchester

Fellow 1994-2000

Area of Current Research Interests
Microtubule protein motors: their regulation, diversity and function; their role in membrane trafficking.

Other Information
Granted a one-year extension to 30.9.00.
Appointed Lecturer 1.10.00.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2001.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.02.
Promoted to Professor of Cell Biology, August 2007.

Professor Victoria J Allan

Fellow 1994-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Microtubule protein motors:...

Professor Jeffrey W Almond

Location: Aventis Pasteur

Fellow 1984-1985

Area of Current Research Interests
Has worked in the vaccines industry since 1998. General interest in the pathogenesis and immunobiology of infectious diseases and in human vaccine research and development. Broader interest and expertise in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals industry.

Other Information
Presenter of the 6th Sir Henry Dale Lecture, 1984.
Winner of the SGM Fleming Award 1985.
Resigned fellowship on appointment as Professor of Microbiology, University of Reading, 1985.
Winner, Univ Section, Toshiba Year of Invention, 1988.
Visiting Research Fellow, CIBA-GEIGY, 1989-1990.
Head, School of Animal & Microbial Sciences, 1990-1994.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1993.
Member of SEAC (Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee) 1995-2000.
Appointed Vice President of R&D (France) Pasteur Mérieux Connaught, 1999.
Appointed Vice President Discovery & External R & D, Aventis Pasteur, 2001.
Senior Vice President for Research & External R & D, Aventis Pasteur, 2003.
Elected Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences, 2007.
Appointed to MRC Council 2008-12.
Retired from Sanofi Pasteur, October 2013.
Retired from MRC Council, 2014 (after 6 years in post)
Visiting Professor of Microbiology at University of Reading 1998-present.
Visiting Professor at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, 2013-present.

Professor Jeffrey W Almond

Fellow 1984-1985 Area of Current Research Interests Has worked in...

Professor, Cynthia Andoniadou

Categories: Cancer, Cell Biology, Data Modelling and Big Data, Developmental Biology, Endocrinology, Molecular Biology
Location: King’s College London

Fellow 2016- 2021

Area of Current Research Interests Regulation of stem cell potential in the mammalian pituitary gland

Other Information:

Elected to membership of the Institute, 2021
Promoted to Professor, 2024

Professor, Cynthia Andoniadou

Fellow 2016- 2021 Area of Current Research Interests Regulation of...

Professor Hilary L Ashe

Categories: Biochemistry, Cancer, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, DNA/RNA, Genetics /Epigenetics, Molecular Biology
Location: University of Manchester

Fellow 2002-2007

Area of Current Research Interests
Gene expression and cell signalling dynamics in Drosophila.

Other Information
EMBO Young Investigator Award, 2003.
Elected a member of the Institute, 2008.
Promoted to Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, 2013.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, 2014.

Professor Hilary L Ashe

Fellow 2002-2007 Area of Current Research Interests Gene expression and...

Professor Daan van Aalten

Location: Aarhus University

Fellow 2007-2011

Area of Current Research Interests
Dissecting the links between O-GlcNAc and intellectual disability

Other Information
Awarded professorship June 2006.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2010.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2012.
Awarded Novo Nordisk Foundation “Laureate” grant, 2022

Professor Daan van Aalten

Fellow 2007-2011 Area of Current Research Interests Dissecting the links...