Terms & Conditions

The Award

All recipients of the Research Prize must initiate the award period within 12 months of becoming eligible to use the funds. All the funds must be committed by the end of the fifth year.

Although the use of the funds is flexible and within the control of the Prize Fellow, outline spending plans should be submitted at the time of application. These can be altered with the Institute’s approval at any time. By way of example, the money can be spent on equipment, travel, consumables, salaries for a replacement lecturer, visiting scientists, post-docs or PhD students etc. The money must not be spent on providing or augmenting a personal salary. The money will be paid in advance to the Research Prize-holder via the employing institution. Annual statements of expenditure must be produced by the employing institution and be endorsed by the Prize holder.

As a member of the AMRC the Institute’s awards qualify for charity research income support and, consequently, any general overhead charge for indirect costs will not be accepted.

Transferring the Award

The award will be personal and transferable between all UK and Republic of Ireland research institutions, subject to the Institute’s approval. Any large items of equipment purchased using only the Institute’s funds will be considered as owned by the recipient of the award and transferable, during the five-year period of the award, provided that the recipient remains a Lister Institute Prize-holder. The transfer of equipment purchased using more than one source of funds will be subject to negotiation between the respective institutions.

Working Abroad

The Research Prize-holder must not spend more than six months abroad in any consecutive 12-month period and in total no more than one year over the course of the five years.


Every Research Prize-holder is expected to produce a short annual and detailed final report at the end of the fifth year and give talks at, and provide abstracts for, the annual Lister Fellows Meetings.

Recipients of the Research Prize will be expected to attend the Institute’s annual Fellows’ meeting, to be held on be Thursday 6th /Friday 7th September 2018, provide abstracts and give presentations when required.


The Agreement to be signed will make clear that the Research Prize-holder and any other people employed using the Institute’s funds are not Lister employees.


All publications must state that the research workers holds a Lister Institute Research Prize Fellowship.

Support from Other Sources

All other grants and “core funding” must be detailed with the application. The Institute accepts that Prizeholders will seek additional support for their work from other sources.


The Prize Fellow will be required to notify and disclose to the Institute all commercial agreements already entered into and particularly to those relating to the assignment of patents and other similar rights. However, all Prize Fellows are encouraged to protect any new findings, where applicable, by patent protection in conjunction with their host institution’s business development office – in all cases the Institute must be informed.For the full Lister Fellowship Terms and Conditions please see Research Prize Terms and Conditions