Professor Steven W J Homans
Fellow 1991-1996
Area of Current Research Interests
Understanding biomolecular recognition at the atomic level. Specifically the dynamics and thermodynamics of biomolecular interactions using a range of biophysical techniques and molecular modeling.
Other Information
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.92.
Transferred as Reader in Chemistry to the University of St Andrews from 1.10.94.
Appointed Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, 1.10.96.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1998.
Received Zeneca Award from the Biochemical Society, 1998.
Appointed Professor of Structural Biology (NMR), University of Leeds, 1.3.99.
Newcastle University as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Science, Agriculture & Engineering, January 2012.