Former Fellows

Professor Paul J Lehner

Categories: Cell Biology, Genetics /Epigenetics, Immunology, Infection
Location: University of Cambridge
Fellow 2004-2009Area of Current Research Interests Research on how viruses interact with and manipulate the host immune system to enable their replication.Discovered the HUSH (Human Silencing Hub) complex, an epigenetic repressor complex that assembles heterochromatin and silences newly integrated retroviruses and mobile endogenous retrotransposons including LINE1 elements.Other Information Elected a Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences, 2004. Professor of Immunology and Medicine, University of Cambridge, 2005. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2010. Elected member of EMBO 2019 Wellcome Trust Infection and Immunity Panel, 2008-2010. Chairperson: Wellcome Trust ERG Panel, 2010-2013. Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, 2013–present. Professoral Fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge, 2013–present Winner GSK Discovery Fast Track Challenge, 2015. MRC Clinical Training and Career Development Panel, 2016–present.

Professor Paul J Lehner

Fellow 2004-2009 Area of Current Research Interests Research on how...

Professor Robert N Lightowlers

Categories: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Location: Newcastle University

Fellow 1990-1995

Area of Current Research Interests
Mitrochondrial DNA and genetics, mitochondrial gene expression, bio-energetics and biochemistry. Mitochondrial diseases.

Other Information
Appointed Lecturer in the Department of Neurology, University of Newcastle from 1.3.95.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Appointed Reader in Molecular Neuroscience, 1.8.98.
Appointed Professor of Molecular Neuroscience, 2000.
Appointed Director of the Institute for Cell and Molecular Bioscience, 2011.
Appointed Deputy Director, Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research 2017

Professor Robert N Lightowlers

Fellow 1990-1995 Area of Current Research Interests Mitrochondrial DNA and...

Professor Pedro R Lowenstein

Location: University of Michigan Health System

Fellow 1993-2000

Area of Current Research Interests
Gene therapy for neurological disorders, specifically brain tumours, Parkinson’s Disease and multiple sclerosis. Also interested in neuro-immunology and viral immunology and viral vectors for gene therapy.

Other Information
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.94.
Appointed Lister Institute Professor of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy from 1.7.95.
Reviewer of Clinical Trials in Gene Therapy and advisor for the Gene Therapy Advisory Committee, 1996.
Fellowship extended by 2 years to 30.9.00.
Member of the MRC’s Medical Advisory Board, 1999.
Appointed Member of the “Biological Sub-Committee” of the UK Medicines Control Agency, 1999.
Ad-hoc advisor to the NIH-RAC Committee on Human Gene Transfer Protocols, 1999, 2000.
Awarded the ‘Brain Bursary’ to give the Annual Brain Bursary Lecture, 2000.
Appointed Director and head of the ‘Gene Therapeutics Research Institute’ at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles from September, 2001.

Professor Pedro R Lowenstein

Fellow 1993-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Gene therapy for...

Professor David Lyons

Location: University of Edinburgh

Fellow 2012-2018

Area of Current Research Interests
Elucidating mechanisms of myelinated axon formation, function and repair using zebrafish

Other Information
Extended Fellowship to 30.09.18.
Elected to membership of the Institute, 2017.

Professor David Lyons

Fellow 2012-2018 Area of Current Research Interests Elucidating mechanisms of...