Professor Paul J Lehner
Fellow 2004-2009
Area of Current Research Interests
Research on how viruses interact with and manipulate the host immune system to enable their replication.
Discovered the HUSH (Human Silencing Hub) complex, an epigenetic repressor complex that assembles heterochromatin and silences newly integrated retroviruses and mobile endogenous retrotransposons including LINE1 elements.
Other Information
Elected a Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences, 2004.
Professor of Immunology and Medicine, University of Cambridge, 2005.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2010.
Elected member of EMBO 2019
Wellcome Trust Infection and Immunity Panel, 2008-2010.
Chairperson: Wellcome Trust ERG Panel, 2010-2013.
Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, 2013–present.
Professoral Fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge, 2013–present
Winner GSK Discovery Fast Track Challenge, 2015.
MRC Clinical Training and Career Development Panel, 2016–present.