Former Fellows

Dr Penny Rashbass

Fellow 1998-2003Area of Current Research Interests The role of apical-basal polarity in vertebrate neural differentiation.Other Information Transferred fellowship to the University of Sheffield, 1.4.99. Appointed Lecturer, 1. 9.99. Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.9.03. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2004.

Dr Penny Rashbass

Fellow 1998-2003 Area of Current Research Interests The role of...

Dr Akhilesh Basi Reddy

Location: University of Pennsylvania

Fellow 1987-1993

Area of Current Research Interests
Peroxiredoxins and redox oscillations in the circadian (24 hour) clockwork

Other Information
Moved to Francis Crick Institute, London, 2015.
Elected to membership of the Institute, 2017.
Moved to University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2019

Dr Akhilesh Basi Reddy

Fellow 1987-1993 Area of Current Research Interests Peroxiredoxins and redox...

Professor Jan Rehwinkel

Categories: DNA/RNA, Immunology, Infection, Molecular Biology, Pathogens
Location: University of Oxford
Fellow 2016-2021

Title of Research Project
Z-RNA and Z-DNA: novel inducers of antiviral immunity

Other Information
Elected to membership of the Institute, 2021

Professor Jan Rehwinkel

Fellow 2016-2021 Title of Research Project Z-RNA and Z-DNA: novel...

Professor Wolf Reik

Categories: Data Modelling and Big Data, Genetics /Epigenetics, Genomics, Molecular Biology, Regeneration
Location: Babraham Institute

Fellow 1987-1993

Area of Current Research Interests
Epigenetic gene regulation during mammalian development and its deregulation in disease. Particular focus on imprinted genes and their function, mechanisms for gene imprinting, how faults in the mechanisms contribute to disease, and epigenetic reprogramming in early embryos.

Other Information
Promoted to Principal Scientific Officer 1.10.89.
Fellowship extended by 1 year to 30.9.93.
Head of the Laboratory of Developmental Genetics and Imprinting from 1992.
Awarded the 1994 Wellcome Prize in Physiology.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Elected to the MRC Scientific Advisory Board, 1997.
Head, Programme of Developmental Genetics from 1997.
Elected a Member of EMBO, 2003
Elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2003.
Promoted to Associate Director, Babraham Institute, 2004.
Head of Epigenetics & Chromatin Programme,
2008.Appointed Professor of Epigenetics in the Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, 2008.
Appointed to the Board of Management, Centre for Tophoblast Research, University of Cambridge, 2008.
Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2010.
Elected Member of Academia Europaea, 2011.
Appointed Associate Faculty, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, 2011
Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator, 2011
Founding member of the Sanger Institute/EBI single cell genomics centre, 2013
BBSRC Great British Bioscience Pioneer 2014.
Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, 2014.
2018 Wellcome Investigator
Thomson Reuters highly cited researcher, 2018, 2019.
Neuberger Memorial Lecture Hebrew University, 2018.
Sammy Lee Memorial Lecture Crick Institute, 2018.
Riccardo Cortese Lecture, 2018.
ERC advanced grant, 2020.
Acting director Babraham Institute, 2020.

Professor Wolf Reik

Fellow 1987-1993 Area of Current Research Interests Epigenetic gene regulation...

Professor David W Rice

Location: University of Sheffield

Fellow 1988-1993

Area of Current Research Interests
Investigation of the structure and functional relationships of biological macromolecules using X-ray crystallography. Specific areas of interest are rational drug design, analysis of the molecular basis of stability in proteins and the studies on protein – protein interactions in macromolecular complexes.

Other Information
Reader in the Department of Biochemistry, 1.10.90.
Appointed Professor (Personal Chair) in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and Director of The Krebs Institute for Biomolecular Research at Sheffield from 1.10.93.
Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993.
Appointed Head of Department, 1997-2006.
Elected a Member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, 2005-2011.

Professor David W Rice

Fellow 1988-1993 Area of Current Research Interests Investigation of the...

Professor A Jennifer Rivett

Location: University of Bristol

Fellow 1989-1996

Area of Current Research Interests
The role of proteasomes in intracellular protein degradation in eukaryotic cells and various aspects of proteasome structure and function in animal cells.

Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow
Fellowship extended by 2 years to 30.9.96.
Promoted to Research & Analogous Grade III and made Hon Reader from 1.10.94.
Transferred fellowship to Bristol on 28.3.96.
Appointed Reader Department of Biochemistry, 1996.
Wellcome Trust University Award from 1996 to 2001.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997.
Awarded a Personal Chair, 1.8.03.

Professor A Jennifer Rivett

Fellow 1989-1996 Area of Current Research Interests The role of...

Professor Ian S Roberts

Categories: Genomics, Immunology, Infection, Microbiology, Microbiome, Pathogens
Location: University of Manchester

Fellow 1993-1999

Area of Current Research Interests
The role of bacterial cell surface structures (polysaccharides primarily) in infectious diseases.  Specifically the synthesis of capsular polysaccharides in gram negative bacteria and the regulation of the capsule genes.

Other Information
Presented with the 1994 Fleming Award by the Society for General Microbiology.
Awarded the W.H. Pierce Prize by the Society for Applied Bacteriology, 1994.
Appointed Lister Institute Professor in Microbiology at the University of Manchester from 1.4.95.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2000.
Elected to the Council of the Society for General Microbiology for period 2000-2004.
Member of the Scientific advisory panel of the Meningitis Research Foundation, 2000-2006
Appointed Research Dean for the School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, from 1.1.02.
Member of the BBSRC Studentships and Fellowships Panel, 2003-2008
MRC College of Experts, 2004-2008
Member of RCUK Academic Fellowship Panel, 2004-2008
Member of the Biological Sciences Panel SFI, 2008-2013
Chair of BBSRC Training and Awards Committee (TAC), 2009-2013
Member of the BBSRC Biosciences Skills and Careers Panel, 2009-2013
Member of the BBSRC Strategic LoLa Committee, 2009-2014.
Member of the Immunology Panel Academy of Finland, 2012.
Associate Dean for Research Faculty of Life Science, 2012-2016.
Treasurer Microbiology Society UK, 2017-2022.

Professor Ian S Roberts

Fellow 1993-1999 Area of Current Research Interests The role of...

Professor Tristan A Rodriguez

Categories: Regeneration, Reproductive/Foetal
Location: Imperial College London

Fellow 2002-2007

Area of Current Research Interests
The regulation of cell fitness during embryonic development and its deregulation in disease.

Other Information
Elected a member of the Institute, 2009.

Professor Tristan A Rodriguez

Fellow 2002-2007 Area of Current Research Interests The regulation of...

Professor Anne E Rosser

Categories: Regeneration
Location: Cardiff University

Fellow 2001-2005

Area of Current Research Interests
Mechanisms underlying embryonic neural precursor cell differentiation and therapeutic role in neural degeneration.

Other Information
Awarded a personal Chair in Clinical Neuroscience from 1.1.03 at the University of Wales, College of Medicine and an Honorary Chair at Cardiff University. (UWCM and UC have subsequently merged.)
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2006.
Elected as Chair of the European Huntington’s Disease Network in 2018.

Professor Anne E Rosser

Fellow 2001-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms underlying embryonic...

Dr Rahul Roychoudhuri

Location: University of Cambridge
Title of Research Project
Resolving mechanisms of gene regulation within the immune system using forward genetics

Dr Rahul Roychoudhuri

Title of Research Project Resolving mechanisms of gene regulation within...