Professor Ian S Roberts

Categories: Genomics, Immunology, Infection, Microbiology, Microbiome, Pathogens
Location: University of Manchester

Fellow 1993-1999

Area of Current Research Interests
The role of bacterial cell surface structures (polysaccharides primarily) in infectious diseases.  Specifically the synthesis of capsular polysaccharides in gram negative bacteria and the regulation of the capsule genes.

Other Information
Presented with the 1994 Fleming Award by the Society for General Microbiology.
Awarded the W.H. Pierce Prize by the Society for Applied Bacteriology, 1994.
Appointed Lister Institute Professor in Microbiology at the University of Manchester from 1.4.95.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2000.
Elected to the Council of the Society for General Microbiology for period 2000-2004.
Member of the Scientific advisory panel of the Meningitis Research Foundation, 2000-2006
Appointed Research Dean for the School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, from 1.1.02.
Member of the BBSRC Studentships and Fellowships Panel, 2003-2008
MRC College of Experts, 2004-2008
Member of RCUK Academic Fellowship Panel, 2004-2008
Member of the Biological Sciences Panel SFI, 2008-2013
Chair of BBSRC Training and Awards Committee (TAC), 2009-2013
Member of the BBSRC Biosciences Skills and Careers Panel, 2009-2013
Member of the BBSRC Strategic LoLa Committee, 2009-2014.
Member of the Immunology Panel Academy of Finland, 2012.
Associate Dean for Research Faculty of Life Science, 2012-2016.
Treasurer Microbiology Society UK, 2017-2022.