Former Fellows
Professor Michael Eddleston
Professor Paul Eggleston
Fellow 1987-1995
Area of Current Research Interests
Molecular approaches to the control of insect-born diseases with a particular interest in insect molecular biology, insect parasite interactions, transgenic tech-nology, gene structure and expression.
Other Information
1990 Genetical Society Balfour Lecturer.
Fellowship extended by 3 years to 30.9.95.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.93.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Appointed Professor of Molecular Entomology, Keele University, 1999
Appointed as Faculty Research Director for Natural Sciences, 2014
Awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Entomological Society, 2015
Honorary Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (Hon. FRES),2017.
Professor Sherif El-Khamisy
The repair of oxidative and topoisomerase induced chromosomal strand breaks and human disease
Other Information:
Moved to University of Sheffield, 2014.
Awarded Professorship, 2015.
Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016.
Extended Fellowship until September 2022.
Elected to membership of the Institute 2018.
Professor Thomas J Evans
Fellow 1996-2000
Area of Current Research Interests
The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, in particular the type III secretion system and associated toxins. Second interest is the pathgenesis of septic shock and the role of nitric oxide and of ENA/VASP proteins and their phosphorylation by nitric oxide.
Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Fellowship deferred until 1.1.96 in order to complete clinical training.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer and Hon Consultant, April 1996.
Appointed Reader in Infectious Diseases 1.10.99.
Elected a Member of the Institute 2002.
Appointed Professor Molecular Microbiology, University of Glasgow from 1.11.03.