Former Fellows – Retired from Science
Professor Judith P Armitage

Professor Judith P Armitage
Fellow 1982-1985 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding the biochemistry...
Dr Nina Balthasar
Fellow 2007-2012
Area of Current Research Interests
Identifying the novel CREB coactivator TORC2’s role in the hypothalamic pathways controlling energy homeostasis
Other Information
Elected a member of the Institute, 2013.
Retired from science, 2017.

Dr Nina Balthasar
Fellow 2007-2012 Area of Current Research Interests Identifying the novel...
Dr Rosa S P Beddington
Fellow 1983-1988
Area of Current Research Interests
Analysis of the lineage and differentiation of normal and neoplastic cells during early mammalian development.
Other Information
Appointed Lecturer 1986.
Appointed Research Scientist at ICRF 1.10.88.
Appointed Senior Research Fellow/Group Leader, AFRC Centre for Animal Genome Research, Edinburgh, 1990. Appointed Head of Division, Laboratory of Mammalian Development, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, from 1.5.93.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Scholar, 1993-1998.
Miller Institute Visiting Professor, California, 1996.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, May 1999.
Died 18 May, 2001.

Dr Rosa S P Beddington
Fellow 1983-1988 Area of Current Research Interests Analysis of the...
Professor Emmanuel Boucrot
Fellow 2014-2019
Area of Current Research Interests
Mechanisms of cargo selection and vesicle formation in a novel pathway of endocytosis
Other Information
Reader, Birkbeck, September 2016.
Associate Professor, UCL, September 2016.
Elected member of the Institute, 2019.
Retired from Science 2021.

Professor Emmanuel Boucrot
Fellow 2014-2019 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms of cargo...
Professor Graham J Boulnois
Fellow 1986-1991
Area of Current Research Interests
Now in industry. Interested in business opportunity development in the bioscience sector. Technical interest in the molecular basis of infection and bacterial virulence.
Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Reader in the Department of Microbiology from 1.10.87.
Professor (Personal Chair) in the Department of Microbiology from 1.10.89.
Selected 1989 Fleming Lecturer of the Society for General Microbiology.
Elected member of the Council for the Society of General Microbiology from 4.9.90 for 4 years.
Member of the MRC & WHO Committees on Polysaccharide Vaccines.
Member of the Cabinet Office Committee on the Human Genome.

Professor Graham J Boulnois
Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Now in industry....
Dr Catherine A Boulter
Fellow 1993-2000
Area of Current Research Interests
Molecular genetics of mammalian development with a particular focus on kidney development and genetic disorders characterized by abnormal growth and differentiation.
Other Information
Maternity leave 1994 and fellowship extended to 1998.
Maternity leave 1997 and fellowship extended to 2000
National Kidney Research Fund Fellowship from 1.9.00.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2001.
Moved to Cardiff University, 2008.
Appointed Senior Lecturer, 2010.
Retired from Cardiff University, 2017.

Dr Catherine A Boulter
Fellow 1993-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular genetics of...
Professor Ann Burchell
Fellow 1989-1994
Area of Current Research Interests
The biogenesis, regulation and genetic deficiencies of the microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase proteins. Glucose metabolism during embryo development, particularly studying the molecular basis of failure to maintain glucose homeostasis.
Other Information
Senior Lecturer retrospectively from 1.10.89.
Reader in the Department of Medicine from 1.10.92.
Elected a Member of the Institute, July 1995.
Promoted to Professor of Molecular Medicine, 1.2.00.

Professor Ann Burchell
Fellow 1989-1994 Area of Current Research Interests The biogenesis, regulation...
Professor Anthony Russell Clarke
Fellow 1993-1998
Previous area of Research Interests
Prediction & determination of protein folding. Role of chaperones. Prion protein structure and stability.
Other Information
Reader in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.8.95.
Awarded a personal chair, 1.8.99.
Seconded (part-time) by the MRC to head the Protein Group, MRC Prion Unit, 1.11.98 (5 years initially)
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2001.
Died 10 July 2016.

Professor Anthony Russell Clarke
Fellow 1993-1998 Previous area of Research Interests Prediction & determination...
Dr Vincent T Cunliffe
Fellow 1997-2002
Area of Current Research Interests
Control of chromatin activity during vertebrate development. Particular focus is on the role of histone modifying enzymes in transcriptional programming of cell fate decisions in the central nervous system.Control of chromatin activity during vertebrate development. Particular focus is on the role of histone modifying enzymes in transcriptional programming of cell fate decisions in the central nervous system.
Other Information
Appointed Lecturer in Developmental Genetics, 1.10.02.
Elected a Member of the Institute 2003.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer, 2007.

Dr Vincent T Cunliffe
Fellow 1997-2002 Area of Current Research Interests Control of chromatin...
Professor John Davey
Fellow 1994-1999
Area of Current Research Interests
Cell to cell communication and the control of cell growth, differentiation and metabolism in yeast.
Other Information
Senior Lecturer from 1.10.94.
Appointed Reader, University of Warwick from 1.1.96.
Awarded a personal chair from 1.10.00.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2000.
Appointed Associate Dean (Biomedical Research), 2008-2010.

Professor John Davey
Fellow 1994-1999 Area of Current Research Interests Cell to cell...
Professor Andrew M Fry
Fellow 2000-2005
Area of Current Research Interests
Cell cycle regulation of centrosomes and microtubule organization; the NEK protein kinase family; EML4-ALK in lung cancer cell biology.
Other Information
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2006.
Awarded Readership, Department of Biochemistry, 2005.
Promoted to personal chair in Biochemistry, 2008.
Appointed Deputy Head of Department, 2010 – 2015
Appointed Head of Core Biotechnology Services, 2012-2014.
Appointed College Director of Research, 2014 – 2020.

Professor Andrew M Fry
Fellow 2000-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Cell cycle regulation...
Professor Jonathan P Fry
Fellow 1983-1988
Area of Current Research Interests
Characterising the steroids present in nervous tissue, studying their levels and source (peripheral endocrine glands and endogenously produced) and the mechanisms which regulate their production.
Other Information
Appointed Senior Lecturer, 1992.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Appointed Specialist Subject Reviewer by the Quality Assurances Agency for Higher Education, 1998-2000.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2014.
Professor of Physiology, 2017.
Emeritus Professor of Physiology, 2019.

Professor Jonathan P Fry
Fellow 1983-1988 Area of Current Research Interests Characterising the steroids...
Professor Christopher F Higgins
Fellow 1983-1989
Area of Current Research Interests
Membrane transport and transport proteins; drug resistance in cancer and microorganisms; human genetics and disease.
Other Information
Awarded 1987 Fleming Medal by the Society for General Microbiology.
Fellowship extended by 3 years to 30.9.91.
Promoted to Reader in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.10.87.
Professor of Molecular Genetics (Personal Chair) in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.10.88.
Elected Fellow of EMBO, 1988.
Resigned fellowship on appointment as Principal Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, and Fellow of Keble College, 1.10.89.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1990.
Awarded Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholarship, 1.1.93.
Appointed Nuffield Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Oxford, 1.10.93.
Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993.
Awarded the CIBA Medal & Prize by the Biochemical Society, 1995.
Member of Governing Council of John Innes Centre, 1994-2000.
Member of BBSRC, 1997-2000.
Founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 1998.
Director of the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, from 1998-2007.
Council, Academy of Medical Sciences, 2000-2003.
Scientific Advisor, House of Lords Select Committee on Stem Cells, 2001-2002.
Professor of Clinical Sciences, Imperial College & Head of Division, Imperial College School of Medicine, 1.1.98.
Executive Council, Association of Medical Research Charities, 2003-2007.
Appointed Chair of SEAC (Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee) 01.08.04 to 01.03.11.
Elected fellow of Royal Society of Arts, 2005.
Commissioner (Human Genetics Commission) 2006-2009.
Appointed Vice Chancellor & Warden, Durham University, 2007.
Board member of the Regional Development Agency ONE, 2007-2011.
Russell Group board member, 2011-2015.
Chair, National Youth Choirs of Great Britain 2011-2021.
Appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Durham (DL), 2009-2015.
Served as Pro-Chancellor Durham University, 2014
Retired, 2015.
International Advisory Board, University of Tubingen, 2015-present.
Governor, West Suffolk College and Suffolk Academies Trust, 2015-present.
Trustee, Britten Pears Arts, 2017-2021.

Professor Christopher F Higgins
Fellow 1983-1989 Area of Current Research Interests Membrane transport and...
Professor Ian J Jackson
Fellow 1986-1991
Area of Current Research Interests
Genetics of disease and variation, including pigmentation and eye disorders. Mouse models of human genetics.
Other Information
Genetics Society, Balfour Lecturer – 1986
Elected member of the Institute – 1996
President International Mammalian Genome Society – 2002-2004
Elected Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh – 2008
Vice President, Genetics Society – 2008-2012
President, European Society for Pigment Cell Research – 2013-2016
Board Member, National Centre for the 3Rs – 2014-2019
Retired from MRC/University of Edinburgh – 2021
Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh – 2022

Professor Ian J Jackson
Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Genetics of disease...
Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys
Fellow 1982-1991
Most recent area of research interests before retirement in 2012
Direct analysis of the mutational and recombinational processes operating in the germ line that creates human genome diversity.
Other Information
Promoted to Reader, Department of Genetics, 1984.
Awarded the Colworth Medal for Biochemistry by the Biochemical Society.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, March 1986.
Invention – DNA Fingerprinting Technology – exploited commercially by ICI under licence from the Lister Institute, June 1986.
Fellowship extended by 5 years to 30.9.92.
Carter Medal by the Clinical Genetics Society, 1987.
Awarded the 1987 Bicentenary Medal of the Linnean Society.
Awarded the Davy Medal for Chemistry and Biochemistry of The Royal Society, 1987.
Professor (Personal Chair) in the Department of Genetics from 1.10.87.
Awarded the Analytica Prize from the German Society for Clinical Chemistry, April 1988.
“Midlander of the Year”, 1988.
Leicester Publicity Association Achievement of the Year Award, 1989.
Elected Fellow of the Forensic Science Society of India, September 1989.
Elected Honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, December 1989.
Elected Fellow Royal College of Pathologists, 1991.
Resigned Fellowship on appointment as Wolfson Research Professor of The Royal Society from 1.10.91.
Elected member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, July 1991.
Awarded the Allen Award by the American Society of Human Genetics, 1992.
Awarded the Milano Award, 1992, in memory of Norberto Montalbetti, by the Fondazione Internationale Biotechnologie, Milan.
Elected a Member of the Institute, March 1992.
Awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholarship, 1993-1998.
Elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, June 1993.
Freedom of the City of Leicester conferred 27.8.93.
Awarded the Lloyd of Kilgerran Prize from the Foundation for Science and Technology, November 1993.
Honour of Knighthood conferred in the New Year’s Honours, 1994.
Elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, and awarded their gold medal for Zoology, 1994.
Co-opted as a Governor of the Institute, 18.7.95.
Awarded the Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Memorial Medal, 1995.
Awarded the Albert Einstein ‘World Award of Science’ 1996 by the World Cultural Council.
Elected Honorary Member, International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, 1997.
Awarded the Baly Medal by the Royal College of Physicians, 1997.
Awarded the Society of Chemical Industry Medal, 1997.
Elected Honorary Member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 1998.
Honorary Life Member, Leicestershire Medico-Legal Society, 1998.
Co-recipient of the Australian Prize awarded in Molecular Genetics, 1998.
Elected Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Biology, 1998
(conferment of the title, Chartered Biologist).
Awarded honorary degrees by the Open University, Luton University, St Andrews University and Strathclyde University.
Elected as founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 1998.
Awarded the Sir George Stokes Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
Awarded the Edward Buchner Prize by the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000.
Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Society of Medicine, 2001.
Work honoured by Royal Society of Chemistry with a National Historic Chemical Landmark Award, 2002.
Voted Top Leicestershire Person by readers of The Leicester Mercury, 2002.
Hon Member of the Biochemical Society, 2003.
Given the AMP (Association of Molecular Pathology, USA) award for excellence in diagnostics, 2003.
Awarded honorary DSc degrees by the Universities of Hull and Oxford, 2004.
Awarded an Honorary Gold Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2004.
Co-recipient of Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, 2004.
Recipient of a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Lifetime Achievement Award, 2004.
Awarded an Hon DSc by University of Leicester, 2004.
Awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society, 2004.
Awarded an Honorary DSc by Kingston University, 2005.
Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Washington DC, USA, 2005.
Honorary Fellowship conferred by the University of Swansea, 2005.
Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award, shared with Sir Edwin Southern, New York, USA, 2005.Awarded Dr H P Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006.
Winner of the Morgan Stanley Great Briton Award in Science & Innovation and overall winner of the award Great Briton 2006.
Awarded Honorary DSc, University of Warwick, 2007.
Awarded Honorary DSC, King’s College London, 2007.
Awarded Honorary DSC, University of Teesside, 2007.
Millennium Laureate, Millennium Foundation, Helsinki, Finland, 2008.
Association of College Gold Award for Further Education Alumni, 2008.
Awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Dundee, 2008.
Awarded Distinguished Honorary Fellowship, University of Leicester, 2009.
Awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, University of Huddersfield, 2009.
Croonian Lecture Prize, Royal Society, London, 2010.
ESHG Award 2010, the European Society for Human Genetics, 2010.
Edward O Wilson Biodiversity Technology Pioneer Award, the American Computer Museum, Bozeman, MT, USA, 2010.
Excellence Award, Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Noida, India, 2010.
ABRF Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Biomolecular Technologies, Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2011.
Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012.
Honorary Member of the Genetics Society, 2012.
Elected an Honorary member of the Clinical Genetics Society, 2013.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, University of Hong Kong, 2013.
AstraZeneca Award, Biochemical Society, 2013
Awarded Copley Medal, 2014.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, De Montfort University, 2014.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Wolverhampton University, 2014.
Companion of Honour, 2017.
Leicestershire Lifetime Achievement Award, 2019.

Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys
Fellow 1982-1991 Most recent area of research interests before retirement...
Professor J Simon Kroll
Fellow 1986-1991
Area of Current Research Interests
Pathogenesis of bacterial infection and the development of vaccines to prevent life threatening bacterial infections of childhood.
Other Information
Elected to a non-stipendiary Medical Research Fellowship by Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1988.
Appointed Lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics, with Honorary Consultant status and awarded a full official fellowship of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1.8.89.
Resigned Fellowship 31.7.89 – non-stipendiary fellowship awarded, 1.8.89 to 30.9.91.
Appointed to the Chair in Paediatrics and Molecular Infectious Diseases at Imperial College School of Medicine, (St Mary’s Hospital Campus) from October 1993.
Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993.
Elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, 1995.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health, 1997.
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2001.
Member of the Institute’s SAC, 2002-2012.
Elected Honorary Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford, 2009.
Appointed Honorary Medical Director, The Meningitis Trust, renamed Meningitis Now on merger with Meningitis UK, 2009.
Appointed Trustee, Meningitis Now, 2019.
Former fellow and former member of the SAC.
Emeritus Professor at Imperial.

Professor J Simon Kroll
Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Pathogenesis of bacterial...
Professor S K Alex Law
Fellow 1982-1986
Area of Previous Research Interests
Studying integrin adhesion molecules with emphasis on the conformational changes associated with the regulation of their adhesion properties. On-going interest in thioester proteins.
Other Information
Appointed Non‐Clinical Senior Scientist at the MRC Immunochemistry Unit, Oxford, 1.10.86.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Appointed Professor, School of Biological Sciences, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore from 1.4.2012.
Retired and living in Hong Kong, from 1.1.2017.

Professor S K Alex Law
Fellow 1982-1986 Area of Previous Research Interests Studying integrin adhesion...
Professor Peter McGlynn
Fellow 2000-2005
Area of Current Research Interests
Maintaining genome stability: causes and consequences of damage to replication forks.
Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Promoted to Reader, 1 September 2003.
Transferred fellowship to University of Aberdeen, September 2003.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2006.
Awarded a personal Chair, 2008.
Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship 2011-12.
Retired October 2018.

Professor Peter McGlynn
Fellow 2000-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Maintaining genome stability:...
Dr Brian Nunn
Fellow 1984-1986
Area of Current Research Interests
The physiochemical basis of light reception in vertebrates.
Other Information
Resigned fellowship on appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1.11.86.
Died 18 September 1987.

Dr Brian Nunn
Fellow 1984-1986 Area of Current Research Interests The physiochemical basis...
Professor David B G Oliveira
Fellow 1987-1994
Area of Current Research Interests
Clinical research interests: immunologically mediated renal disease. Basic research interests: the initiation and regulation of Th2-type immune responses with reference to mast cells and oxidative stress and the molecular mechanisms involved in interleukin-4 production.
Other Information
Senior Registrar in Renal Medicine at Addenbrooke’s Hospital 1.7.90 to 30.9.91.
Promoted to Hon Consultant status 1.10.91.
Fellowship extended by one year to 31.12.94.
Appointed University Clinical Lecturer from 1.1.95.
Foundation Professor of Renal Medicine, St George’s Hospital Medical School from 1.10.95
Elected a Member of the Institute, July 1995.
Professor Emeritus, Renal Medicine, St George’s, University of London 2020

Professor David B G Oliveira
Fellow 1987-1994 Area of Current Research Interests Clinical research interests:...
Professor Barry V L Potter
Fellow 1987-1995
Area of Current Research Interests
Chemistry of signal transduction and calcium signalling pathways involving IP3, cADPR and NAADP. Using a variety of synthetic, medicinal and biological chemistry methods to investigate enzyme inhibition, drug design and endocrinology, primarily in oncology.
Other Information
Appointed Lister Institute Research Professor of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Bath from 1.10.90, the Chair to continue in the Institute’s name until 30.9.95.
Head of Medicinal Chemistry from 1990.
Member of BBSRC Committee on Intracellular Signalling Programme, 1992-1996.
Awarded DSc, University of Oxford, 1.2.93.
Member of EPSRC Synthetic & Biological Chemistry College, 1995-1997.
Professor of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry, 1995.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Member of the RAE panel for Pharmacy, 200l.
Non-Executive Director, Sterix Limited (2004-2009).
Member of the RAE2008 HEFCE Pharmacy Panel.
Appointed visiting Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Oxford (2006-2014).
Appointed to Wellcome Trust “Molecules Genes and Cells” Funding Panel (2006-2011).
Royal Society of Chemistry George & Christine Sosnovsky Prize in Cancer Therapy (2007/8).
RSC George & Christine Sosnovsky Endowed Lecturer 2007/8.
Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 UCB-Celltech Industrially Sponsored Award & Medal in Chemical Biology.
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2008.
Elected Fellow of the Institute of Directors, 2008.
Elected Fellow of the Institute of Biology, Chartered Biologist, 2008.
Member of Sectional Committee 1, Academy of Medical Sciences, 2008-2011.
Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, 2009.
Appointed to the HEFCE Research Excellence Framework (REF) Expert Panel, 2009.
Associate Editor, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2009.
Incorporated into “H-index ranking of living chemists” listing, 2009.
Elected to Academia Europaea, 2009.
GlaxoSmithKline International Achievement Award, 2009.
Editor Biochemical Journal BJChemBio 2009-2016.
Awarded Royal Society of Chemistry Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Section Malcolm Campbell Memorial Prize & Medal.
Awarded Royal Society of Chemistry Interdisciplinary Prize & Medal, 2010 with an Endowed Lectureship for 2010.
RSC Interdisciplinary Prize Endowed Lecturer, 2010-2011.
Chairman, Medical Biopharma International Grant Review Panel, Danish Council for Independent Research, 2011.
Member, International Advisory Board, Institute of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 2011-present
European Life Sciences Awards “Investigator of the Year”, 2012.
Wellcome Trust Peer Review College, 2012-2015.
Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator, 2013.
Appointed to International Advisory Board ChemMedChem 2014-2017.
IUPAC Advisory Board Member, Successful Drug Discovery, Vols 1-3, 2014-2018
Royal Society of Chemistry, Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Section, Endowed Lectureship in Medicinal Chemistry 2015/2016.
Appointed Professor of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, 2015.
Appointed Visiting Professor of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry, University of Bath, 2015-2018 (Now extended to 2024).
Elected Special Supernumerary Fellow of University College, Oxford, 2016
Appointed to Lister Institute Scientific Advisory Committee, 2017.
Awarded Tu Youyou Award for Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology related to Natural Product Chemistry, 2018.
Member of the College of Experts, European Science Foundation, 2018-2021.
Awarded D.Sc degree honoris causa by the University of Bath, 2020.

Professor Barry V L Potter
Fellow 1987-1995 Area of Current Research Interests Chemistry of signal...
Dr Penny Rashbass
Fellow 1998-2003
Area of Current Research Interests
The role of apical-basal polarity in vertebrate neural differentiation.
Other Information
Transferred fellowship to the University of Sheffield, 1.4.99.
Appointed Lecturer, 1. 9.99.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.9.03.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2004.

Dr Penny Rashbass
Fellow 1998-2003 Area of Current Research Interests The role of...
Dr J Paul Schofield
Fellow 1997-1998
Area of Current Research Interests
No longer involved in academic research. Pharmaceutical research interests in drug development, clinical trial design, experimental medicine and analgesia.
Other Information
Fellowship deferred until 1.5.97 in order to undertake clinical training.
Appointed Hon Consultant from 1.5.97.
Resigned fellowship from 31.5.98 following his appointment as Associate Director of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology for SmithKline Beecham.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1999.
Medical Dir & Board Member, Napp Pharmaceuticals, 2004
Retired 2018.
Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Dr J Paul Schofield
Fellow 1997-1998 Area of Current Research Interests No longer involved...
Professor Stephen J Yeaman
Fellow 1984-1989
Area of Current Research Interests
Signal transduction with emphasis on the control of metabolism. Specific interests are insulin action, the biochemistry of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Other Information
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.8.87.
Appointed Professor of Molecular Enzymology in the Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, 1.8.90.
Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 4.3.96.
Member of the MRC Advisory Board from 1.8.97.
Head of the School of Biochemistry & Genetics, 1.8.98.
Elected a Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences, 2002.
Appointed Director, International Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, 2006.
Deputy Director, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, 2007-2015.
Awarded Emeritus Professor title at Newcastle University, 2016.

Professor Stephen J Yeaman
Fellow 1984-1989 Area of Current Research Interests Signal transduction with...