Former Fellows – Retired from Science

Former Fellows – Retired from Science

Professor Christopher F Higgins

Categories: Cancer, Cell Biology, Genetics /Epigenetics, Molecular Biology
Location: Durham University
Fellow 1983-1989Area of Current Research Interests Membrane transport and transport proteins; drug resistance in cancer and microorganisms; human genetics and disease.Other Information Awarded 1987 Fleming Medal by the Society for General Microbiology. Fellowship extended by 3 years to 30.9.91. Promoted to Reader in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.10.87. Professor of Molecular Genetics (Personal Chair) in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.10.88. Elected Fellow of EMBO, 1988. Resigned fellowship on appointment as Principal Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, and Fellow of Keble College, 1.10.89. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1990. Awarded Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholarship, 1.1.93. Appointed Nuffield Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Oxford, 1.10.93. Elected a Member of the Institute, November 1993. Awarded the CIBA Medal & Prize by the Biochemical Society, 1995. Member of Governing Council of John Innes Centre, 1994-2000. Member of BBSRC, 1997-2000. Founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 1998. Director of the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, from 1998-2007. Council, Academy of Medical Sciences, 2000-2003. Scientific Advisor, House of Lords Select Committee on Stem Cells, 2001-2002. Professor of Clinical Sciences, Imperial College & Head of Division, Imperial College School of Medicine, 1.1.98. Executive Council, Association of Medical Research Charities, 2003-2007. Appointed Chair of SEAC (Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee) 01.08.04 to 01.03.11. Elected fellow of Royal Society of Arts, 2005. Commissioner (Human Genetics Commission) 2006-2009. Appointed Vice Chancellor & Warden, Durham University, 2007. Board member of the Regional Development Agency ONE, 2007-2011. Russell Group board member, 2011-2015. Chair, National Youth Choirs of Great Britain 2011-2021. Appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Durham (DL), 2009-2015. Served as Pro-Chancellor Durham University, 2014 Retired, 2015. International Advisory Board, University of Tubingen, 2015-present. Governor, West Suffolk College and Suffolk Academies Trust, 2015-present. Trustee, Britten Pears Arts, 2017-2021.

Professor Christopher F Higgins

Fellow 1983-1989 Area of Current Research Interests Membrane transport and...