Professor Daan van Aalten

Fellow 2007-2011 Area of Current Research Interests Dissecting the links between O-GlcNAc and intellectual disability Other Information Awarded professorship June 2006. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2010. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2012. Awarded Novo Nordisk…

Dr Fiona C Wardle

Fellow 2007-2013 Area of Current Research Interests Transcriptional control of mesodermal cell differentiation in vertebrates Other Information Transferred fellowship to King’s College London, 2010. Fellowship extended to 30.09.13 due to move to KCL. Elected a member of the Institute 2014.

Professor Grant Stewart

Fellow 2009-2014 Area of Current Research Interests Investigating the role of the RIDDLE syndrome gene in promoting repair of DNA damage Other Information Awarded CR-UK Senior Fellowship, 2011-2017. Elected a member of the Institute 2015. Promoted to Professor of Cancer…