Dr Nicola Whiffin

Title of Research Project Bridging the diagnostic gap: realising non-coding variant identification and classification in the clinic. Website
Title of Research Project Bridging the diagnostic gap: realising non-coding variant identification and classification in the clinic. Website
Title of Research Project A tale of two neuromodulators: how histamine and serotonin shape social interactions in mice and human brains
Fellow 1991-1996 Area of Current Research Interests Interests are chromosome replication and the cell cycle. Other Information Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow. Appointed Senior Scientist at ICRF from 1.7.96. Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997. Director, CRC Chromosome Replication Research Group,…
Title of Research Project Translating genomic discovery into clinical prediction tools for glaucoma Other Information Promoted to Professor of Ophthalmology, 2023 Website
Fellow 1987-1993 Area of Current Research Interests Epigenetic gene regulation during mammalian development and its deregulation in disease. Particular focus on imprinted genes and their function, mechanisms for gene imprinting, how faults in the mechanisms contribute to disease, and epigenetic…
Fellow 1998-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Interest in inherited human disorders associated with unstable DNA, e.g. myotonic dystrophy and Huntington’s Disease. Studying molecular mechanisms that give rise to somatic and germ line genetic instability. The relation of these factors…
Title of Research Project Computational neurodevelopment: a new framework for understanding autism spectrum disorder.
Fellow 2016- 2021 Area of Current Research Interests Regulation of stem cell potential in the mammalian pituitary gland Other Information: Elected to membership of the Institute, 2021Promoted to Professor, 2024
Title of Research Project Mechanochemical regulation of tissue growth and morphogenesis Other Information Awarded L’oreal UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship, 2018. Received Biophysical Society Early Career Mechanobiology Award 2019. Elected to EMBO Young Investigator programme, 2019. Awarded BSCB Women in…
Title of Research Project The dominant-negative effect in protein complexes: implications for human genetic disease Other Information Awarded Royal Society of Edinburgh Patrick Neill Medal, 2019.ERC Consolidator Grant, 2020.