Professor Ilan Davis

Fellow 2000-2002 Area of Current Research Interests Post-transcriptional regulation during neural stem cell development and synaptic plasticity in Drosophila: its function in health and disease. Other Information Resigned fellowship on the award of a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship 1.7.02.…

Professor Christopher A Hunter

Fellow 1994-1999 Area of Current Research Interests Study of large molecular assemblies and biopolymers to understand the chemistry of weak intermolecular forces (non-covalent interactions) through the determination of thermodynamic properties, computer modeling and molecular design. Other Information Appointed Reader retrospectively…

Professor Mark J Buttner

Fellow 1994-1998 Area of Current Research Interests The cellular and developmental biology of the filamentous, antibiotic-producing bacteria Streptomyces. Fundamental aspects of bacterial transcription. The regulatory networks and cyclic nucleotide signalling events that control sporulation in Streptomyces. Other Information Appointed Group…