Professor Daan van Aalten

Fellow 2007-2011 Area of Current Research Interests Dissecting the links between O-GlcNAc and intellectual disability Other Information Awarded professorship June 2006. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2010. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2012. Awarded Novo Nordisk…

Dr Alan J Whitmarsh

Fellow 2001-2006 Area of Current Research Interests Role of scaffold proteins in regulating the specificity of the JNK signalling pathway: a critical mediator of stress responses in cells. Other Information Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2007.…

Professor Grant Stewart

Fellow 2009-2014 Area of Current Research Interests Investigating the role of the RIDDLE syndrome gene in promoting repair of DNA damage Other Information Awarded CR-UK Senior Fellowship, 2011-2017. Elected a member of the Institute 2015. Promoted to Professor of Cancer…

Dr David I Strutt

Fellow 1998-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding how during animal development cells become polarized in developing tissues or organs in a co-ordinated fashion.  Using the cuticle of the fruit fly, Drosophila, as the model system and a variety of…