Professor Mark Dodding

Title of Research Project A new chemical biology approach to target molecular motors for the manipulation of cytoskeleton and organelle dynamics
Title of Research Project A new chemical biology approach to target molecular motors for the manipulation of cytoskeleton and organelle dynamics
Title of Research Project: The repair of oxidative and topoisomerase induced chromosomal strand breaks and human disease Other Information: Moved to University of Sheffield, 2014. Awarded Professorship, 2015. Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. Extended Fellowship…
Title of Research Project Regulation of paracrine signalling by centrosome amplification
Title of Research Project Structural basis and mechanism of telomere maintenance by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation Other Information Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 2019 Cancer Research UK Programme Foundation Award, 2019 Deputy Head of the Division of Structural Biology, September 2019 Reader in Structural…
Fellow 2015-2021 Area of Current Research Interests The role of neuronal activity in myelin repair Other Information Extended Fellowship until September 2021. Elected to membership of the Institute 2020.
Title of Research Project Mechanochemical regulation of tissue growth and morphogenesis Other Information Awarded L’oreal UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship, 2018. Received Biophysical Society Early Career Mechanobiology Award 2019. Elected to EMBO Young Investigator programme, 2019. Awarded BSCB Women in…