Dr Alexander Borodavka

Title of Research Project From Single Molecules to Whole Viruses: A New View on Viral Assembly and Replication in Cells. Website
Title of Research Project From Single Molecules to Whole Viruses: A New View on Viral Assembly and Replication in Cells. Website
Title of Research Project Targeting immune system resilience to curb collateral damage and extend healthy ageing
Title of Research Project Irreversible inactivation of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins
Fellow 1991-1996 Area of Current Research Interests Interests are chromosome replication and the cell cycle. Other Information Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow. Appointed Senior Scientist at ICRF from 1.7.96. Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997. Director, CRC Chromosome Replication Research Group,…
Title of Research Project Cryo-EM studies of human DNA repair complexes: DNA-PK and interacting partners
Title of Research Project The line of duty: How to segregate a giant linear plasmid in antibiotic-producing Streptomyces Other Information Promoted to Professor, 2024
Fellow 1992-1997 Area of Current Research Interests Intra-cellular calcium signaling: specifically the regulation of calcium entry pathways, the structure and function of intra-cellular calcium channels, signalling receptors and G-proteins. Other Information Appointed Reader, Department of Pharmacology 1995 Elected a Member…
Fellow 2001-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular mechanisms of mitochondria biogenesis with particular emphasis on the targeting, membrane translocation and assembly processes for membrane proteins using yeast. Role of Tim proteins as chaperones. Oxidative folding and redox signalling in…
Fellow 2007-2011 Area of Current Research Interests Dissecting the links between O-GlcNAc and intellectual disability Other Information Awarded professorship June 2006. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2010. Elected a Member of the Institute, 2012. Awarded Novo Nordisk…
Fellow 1999-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Structural biochemistry of membrane proteins, immune response proteins and metabolic enzymes for diet and health; exploring structure-function relationships at the molecular level Other Information Transferred fellowship to University of Reading 1.10.01. Reader in…