Professor Julian Blow
Fellow 1991-1996
Area of Current Research Interests
Interests are chromosome replication and the cell cycle.
Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Appointed Senior Scientist at ICRF from 1.7.96.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997.
Director, CRC Chromosome Replication Research Group, University of Dundee, from November 1997.
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee, from 1.11.97.
Elected member of EMBO, 1999.
Appointed Reader 1.10.00.
Awarded a personal chair in Chromosome Maintenance, November 2001.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, March 2002.
Elected Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences, 2012.
Appointed Dean of Research for College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, August 2014.
Appointed Dean of School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, April 2016.
Appointed member of the Institute’s Scientific Committee, 2019.
Professor of Chromosome Maintenance and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation at the University of East Anglia, 2024