Professor David Lyons

Fellow 2012-2018 Area of Current Research Interests Elucidating mechanisms of myelinated axon formation, function and repair using zebrafish Other Information Extended Fellowship to 30.09.18. Elected to membership of the Institute, 2017.

Professor Ilan Davis

Fellow 2000-2002 Area of Current Research Interests Post-transcriptional regulation during neural stem cell development and synaptic plasticity in Drosophila: its function in health and disease. Other Information Resigned fellowship on the award of a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship 1.7.02.…

Professor Michael Eddleston

Fellow 2011-2016 Area of Current Research Interests Prevention of deaths from pesticide self-poisoning Clinical pharmacology of antidotes Other Information Awarded a personal chair October 2013. Elected to membership of the Institute, 2016 Awarded Cullen Gold Medal for the ‘Greatest Benefit…

Professor Ian J Jackson

Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Genetics of disease and variation, including pigmentation and eye disorders. Mouse models of human genetics. Other Information Genetics Society, Balfour Lecturer – 1986 Elected member of the Institute – 1996 President International Mammalian…

Professor Wendy A Bickmore

Fellow 1991-1996 Area of Current Research Interests Chromatin and nuclear organisation of the mammalian genome, gene packaging and organisation within the chromosomes. Other Information Appointed Senior Scientist in the MRC Human Genetics Unit, 1.10.96. 1997 Genetical Society Balfour Lecturer. Elected…