Professor Wendy A Bickmore

Location: University of Edinburgh

Fellow 1991-1996

Area of Current Research Interests
Chromatin and nuclear organisation of the mammalian genome, gene packaging and organisation within the chromosomes.

Other Information
Appointed Senior Scientist in the MRC Human Genetics Unit, 1.10.96.
1997 Genetical Society Balfour Lecturer.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1997.
Awarded the James S. McDonnell Foundation Centennial Fellowship in Human Genetics, 1999.
Elected a member of EMBO, 2001.
Nominated as Charles Darwin Award Lecturer 2001, at the BAAS.
Appointed Hon Lecturer, University of Edinburgh.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2005.
Elected a Member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, 2008.
Appointed Head of Section: Chromosome and Gene Expression, MRC Human Genetics Unit, 2009.
Elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science, 2005.
Elected a Member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, 2008-2013.
Head of Chromosome & Gene Expression, MRC Human Genetics Unit, 2009.
Appointed to Institute’s Governing Body, 2013, re-elected 2018.
President of the Genetics Society, 2015.
Director MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, 2015.
Elected to the Royal Society, 2017
Awarded CBE, 2021