Former Fellows – Retired from Science
Professor Andrew M Fry

Professor Andrew M Fry
Fellow 2000-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Cell cycle regulation...
Professor Jonathan P Fry
Fellow 1983-1988
Area of Current Research Interests
Characterising the steroids present in nervous tissue, studying their levels and source (peripheral endocrine glands and endogenously produced) and the mechanisms which regulate their production.
Other Information
Appointed Senior Lecturer, 1992.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1996.
Appointed Specialist Subject Reviewer by the Quality Assurances Agency for Higher Education, 1998-2000.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2014.
Professor of Physiology, 2017.
Emeritus Professor of Physiology, 2019.

Professor Jonathan P Fry
Fellow 1983-1988 Area of Current Research Interests Characterising the steroids...