Professor Tatjana Saulka-Spengler

Fellow 2013-2018 Area of Current Research Interests Decoding gene regulatory circuits controlling multipotency of neural crest Other Information Elected member of the Institute, 2018.

Professor Anant B Parekh

Fellow 2001-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Regulation of calcium signalling and calcium-dependent exocytosis in mast cells. Other Information Awarded the Wellcome Prize in Physiology 2002 by the UK Physiological Society. Elected to the Monsanto Senior Research Fellowship, Exeter College,…

Professor Andrew J King

Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Neural basis for active listening through the investigation of how neurons in the hearing centres of the brain adapt to the statistics of sound stimulation, which constantly change in real-life environments, integrate other…

Professor Nicholas B La Thangue

Fellow 1987-1992 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms regulating cancer cell growth and proliferation (particularly the pRb/E2F pathway). Transcription factors and co-activator proteins in co-ordinating the cell cycle and other physiological processes. Other Information Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow. Awarded a tenured…