Dr Elizabeth Rosser

Title of Research Project Extrafollicular B cells in the immunopathology of Juvenile-Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis. Website
Title of Research Project Extrafollicular B cells in the immunopathology of Juvenile-Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis. Website
Title of Research Project Identifying therapeutically targetable RNA binding proteins in ALS
Title of Research Project Translating genomic discovery into clinical prediction tools for glaucoma Other Information Promoted to Professor of Ophthalmology, 2023 Website
Fellow 1983-1986 Area of Current Research Interests Structure-function relationships in antibodies and complement proteins. Other Information Resigned fellowship on appointment as Wellcome Trust Lecturer, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, 1986. Appointed Wellcome Trust Senior Lecturer, 1989. Appointed Reader in…
Fellow 2006-2012 Area of Current Research Interests Identifying and characterizing genes that control cell fate choice and social behavior. Other Information Fellowship extended until 31.08.12. Elected a member of the Institute, 2013. Awarded Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2013. Moved to…
Fellow 1983-1988 Area of Current Research Interests Characterising the steroids present in nervous tissue, studying their levels and source (peripheral endocrine glands and endogenously produced) and the mechanisms which regulate their production. Other Information Appointed Senior Lecturer, 1992. Elected a…
Fellow 2010-2016 Area of Current Research Interests Miro family proteins as regulators of synaptic bioenergetics and a locus for mitochondrial dysfunction in neurological disease Other Information Extended Fellowship to 31 December 2016. Elected to membership of the Institute, 2016.
Fellow 2014-2019 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms of cargo selection and vesicle formation in a novel pathway of endocytosis Other Information Reader, Birkbeck, September 2016. Associate Professor, UCL, September 2016. Elected member of the Institute, 2019. Retired from Science…
Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Role of lipids in cell signalling, physiology and exocytosis. Disease implications when lipid regulation breaks down. Other Information Promoted to Reader in Physiology & Biochemistry, 1992. Appointed Professor of Cell Physiology from 1.10.94.…
Title of Research Project Mechanochemical regulation of tissue growth and morphogenesis Other Information Awarded L’oreal UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship, 2018. Received Biophysical Society Early Career Mechanobiology Award 2019. Elected to EMBO Young Investigator programme, 2019. Awarded BSCB Women in…