Dr Elizabeth Rosser

Title of Research Project Extrafollicular B cells in the immunopathology of Juvenile-Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis. Website

Professor Christopher Thompson

Fellow 2006-2012 Area of Current Research Interests Identifying and characterizing genes that control cell fate choice and social behavior. Other Information Fellowship extended until 31.08.12. Elected a member of the Institute, 2013. Awarded Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2013. Moved to…

Professor Josef Kittler

Fellow 2010-2016 Area of Current Research Interests Miro family proteins as regulators of synaptic bioenergetics and a locus for mitochondrial dysfunction in neurological disease Other Information Extended Fellowship to 31 December 2016. Elected to membership of the Institute, 2016.

Professor Emmanuel Boucrot

Fellow 2014-2019 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms of cargo selection and vesicle formation in a novel pathway of endocytosis Other Information Reader, Birkbeck, September 2016. Associate Professor, UCL, September 2016. Elected member of the Institute, 2019. Retired from Science…

Professor Shamshad Cockcroft

Fellow 1986-1991 Area of Current Research Interests Role of lipids in cell signalling, physiology and exocytosis. Disease implications when lipid regulation breaks down. Other Information Promoted to Reader in Physiology & Biochemistry, 1992. Appointed Professor of Cell Physiology from 1.10.94.…