Current Fellows

Current Fellows

Professor Yanlan Mao

Categories: Ai, Cancer, Cell Biology, Data Modelling and Big Data, Gastrointestinal, Hepatology, Imaging, Molecular Biology, Regeneration
Location: University College London
Title of Research Project
Mechanochemical regulation of tissue growth and morphogenesis

Other Information
Awarded L’oreal UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship, 2018.
Received Biophysical Society Early Career Mechanobiology Award 2019.
Elected to EMBO Young Investigator programme, 2019.
Awarded BSCB Women in Cell Biology Early Career Medal, 2020.
Received Royal Microscopical Society Life Sciences Medal, 2021.
Awarded MRC Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship, 2022

Professor Yanlan Mao

Title of Research Project Mechanochemical regulation of tissue growth and...

Professor Joseph Marsh

Categories: Ai, Data Modelling and Big Data, Genetics /Epigenetics, Genomics, Molecular Biology, Proteomics
Location: University of Exeter

Title of Research Project
The dominant-negative effect in protein complexes: implications for human genetic disease

Other Information
Awarded Royal Society of Edinburgh Patrick Neill Medal, 2019.
ERC Consolidator Grant, 2020.

Professor Joseph Marsh

Title of Research Project The dominant-negative effect in protein complexes:...

Dr Will McEwan

Categories: Cell Biology, DNA/RNA, Immunology, Infection, Molecular Biology, Neurology, Pathogens
Location: University of Cambridge
Title of Research Project
Protein-level knockdown as a new frontier for biological and biomedical sciences

Dr Will McEwan

Title of Research Project Protein-level knockdown as a new frontier...