Current Fellows

Current Fellows

Professor Tom Baden

Categories: Neurobiology, Sensory
Location: University of Sussex

Title of Research Project

Anisotropic retinal circuits for processing of colour and space in nature.

Other Information

MIT Technology Review, Europe. ​ “Innovators under 35″, 2016
Eppendorf & Nature. Young European Investigator Award, 2017
Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), 2019
Granted Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 2020
Awarded Nature Research Award for Driving Global Impact, 2019
Awarded the Boehringer Igeleim FENS research Awards, 2022
Voted onto the IBRO PERC Committee, 2022
Elected Member of EMBO, 2023

Professor Tom Baden

Title of Research Project Anisotropic retinal circuits for processing of...

Dr Elizabeth Ballou

Categories: Cell Biology, Microbiology, Pathogens
Location: University of Exeter

Title of Research Project

Investigating how cross-kingdom microbial partnerships impact fungal pathogenesis of the causative agents of Mucormycosis

Dr Elizabeth Ballou

Title of Research Project Investigating how cross-kingdom microbial partnerships impact...

Dr David Bending

Categories: Immunology
Location: University of Birmingham
Title of Research Project

Regulation of T cell receptor signalling dynamics during T follicular helper cell responses

Dr David Bending

Title of Research Project Regulation of T cell receptor signalling...

Professor Tanmay Bharat

Categories: Immunology, Infection
Location: University of Cambridge

Title of Research Project
In situ structural studies of the functional organisation and inhibition of the BAM complex in Gram-negative bacteria

Other information
Awarded International Prize Scholarship, Vallee Foundation, USA, 2018
Awarded John Kendrew Award, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, 2019
Selected for a Philip Leverhulme Prize for Biological Sciences, Leverhulme Trust UK, 2020
Selected as an EMBO Young Investigator, 2020
Awarded Eppendorf Young European Investigator Award, 2021
Awarded Colworth Medal, The Biochemical Society, 2022
Awarded Fleming Prize, The Microbiology Society, 2023
Finalist for the Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists UK , 2024

Professor Tanmay Bharat

Title of Research Project In situ structural studies of the...

Professor Timothy Blower

Categories: Biochemistry, DNA/RNA, Infection, Molecular Biology, Pathogens, Structural Biology
Location: Durham University
Title of Research Project
BREX and phage-bacteria interactions.

Professor Timothy Blower

Title of Research Project BREX and phage-bacteria interactions.

Dr Alexander Borodavka

Categories: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Infection, Pharmacology/ Therapeutics, Vaccines
Location: University of Cambridge

Title of Research Project

From Single Molecules to Whole Viruses: A New View on Viral Assembly and Replication in Cells.

Dr Alexander Borodavka

Title of Research Project From Single Molecules to Whole Viruses:...