Dr Sarah Dimeloe

Title of Research Project Co-operative metabolic synthesis as a fourth signal for T cell priming Website
Title of Research Project Co-operative metabolic synthesis as a fourth signal for T cell priming Website
Fellow 1984-1989 Area of Current Research Interests Signal transduction with emphasis on the control of metabolism. Specific interests are insulin action, the biochemistry of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Other Information Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.8.87. Appointed Professor of…
Fellow 1996-2002 Area of Current Research Interests The cell biology of glycosphingolipids and the role of these molecules in the pathophysiology of sphingolipid storage diseases, with emphasis on translating these findings into human therapy. Other Information Granted 6 months maternity…
Fellow 2001-2003 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular mechanisms of mitochondria biogenesis with particular emphasis on the targeting, membrane translocation and assembly processes for membrane proteins using yeast. Role of Tim proteins as chaperones. Oxidative folding and redox signalling in…
Fellow 1999-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Structural biochemistry of membrane proteins, immune response proteins and metabolic enzymes for diet and health; exploring structure-function relationships at the molecular level Other Information Transferred fellowship to University of Reading 1.10.01. Reader in…
Fellow 1983-1988 Area of Current Research Interests Characterising the steroids present in nervous tissue, studying their levels and source (peripheral endocrine glands and endogenously produced) and the mechanisms which regulate their production. Other Information Appointed Senior Lecturer, 1992. Elected a…
Fellow 1992-1998 Area of Current Research Interests Regulation of glucose transport in insulin-sensitive tissues in health and disease. Single molecule imaging of plasma membrane proteins. Cellular and Subcellular analysis of metabolic processes. Other Information Appointed Senior Lecturer retrospectively from l.7.92.…
Fellow 1983-1998 Area of Current Research Interests Understanding the molecular mechanisms of cell injury and death in human disease and in response to toxins. The role of antioxidants in nutrition, health and disease. Natural and synthetic antioxidants as therapeutic agents,…
Fellow 1995-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms of oxygen sensing and impact of hypoxia. The role of ion channels, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the maturation of oxygen sensing and the effect of hypoxia upon cardiorespiratory disease. Other Information Promoted…
Fellow 1988-1990 Area of Current Research Interests Signalling pathways in cancer and normal cells; insulin signalling and its defects in type II diabetes; mechanisms of insulin action and of glucose uptake and resistance; insulin secretion and its control. Mitochondrial metabolism,…