We have previously shared the news that Lister Fellow Madan Babu was awarded the highly prestigious EMBO Gold Medal in 2019.
This well-known prize is awarded each year to outstanding scientists under the age of who have made a significant contribution to the life sciences in Europe.
It is designed to recognise excellence in research as well as the importance of young and independent research leaders who are pushing the boundaries of biological knowledge, making a major contribution to our understanding of their domain and developing innovative new solutions and approaches.The awards were officially given at the annual ASCB|EMBO Meeting which took place in Washington DC, USA in December 2019.
Dr Babu and his co-recipient Paola Picotti of ETH Zurich, Switzerland, each gave speeches discussing the research work that led to the award of the prestigious prize.
Madan Babu is a distinguished Lister Fellow and his work has been recognised by a wide array of bodies for its novelty, innovation and research quality.
His group is interested in understanding how regulation is achieved in cellular systems and the influence that this subsequently can have on the evolution of both organisms and their genomes, depending on the conditions and environment.
In this work Dr. Babu’s laboratory employs a mixture of experimental and computational analysis techniques and has developed a range of novel interdisciplinary methods that use genome-scale approaches to better understand cellular and genetic regulation.
Madan Babu leads the Regulatory Genomics and Systems Biology programme at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. He was named Life Sciences Laureate at the inaugural 2018 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom and received the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Innovator Award in 2018.
You can find out more about his work at this page.
EMBO is a professional organisation made up of more than 1,800 researchers. Its aim is to support high-quality research activity, particularly that carried out by younger academics, and promote excellence in the life sciences in Europe and around the world.
It provides a wide range of support services and activities including training, event, promotion opportunities and input into science policy.
We are delighted to hear of Dr Babu’s latest honour and very pleased to have played a role in supporting his research through a Lister Research prize.