Statement from the Lister Institute on the Covid-19 pandemic

During this difficult time the Lister Institute would like to express our support for all of the healthcare workers and researchers working to combat the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

It is very difficult to put into words the scale of disruption and devastation facing the world at present, but governments, research organisations and medical professionals are working hard to protect as many people as possible.

We would also like to express our thanks and support for the huge numbers of vitally important workers and staff putting themselves at risk to keep the country moving; emergency services personnel, delivery drivers, shop workers, carers and many, many more.

At this challenging time we are working on various contingencies to enable our regular activities to go ahead unchanged wherever possible.

The Lister Prize for 2020 is still going ahead – we will be conducting the final interviews by video call instead of in person, using the same timelines.

This should enable us to award our 2020 prize winners by Summer 2020.

Unless we are affected by any further changes the 2021 prizes should go ahead as normal.

The Lister Institute funding is a Prize Fellowship. It is for a standard fixed sum of money which may be spent over a 5 year period on staff, equipment or running costs. If requested the Lister Institute will consider no-cost extensions to an award, but will not award additional funds.

We are also in the process of determining whether our Summer Studentships are able to operate if universities are closed; if it is possible for studentships to be conducted remotely then they will go ahead in some form.

We will provide an update on this when possible.

Finally, we’d like to wish the entire extended Lister community and all of our followers our very best at this challenging time and hope that you all stay safe and well.