

Former Fellows are also members of the Institute, please find our Former Fellows here Professor Judi Allen FRSE, FMedScimember of the Scientific CommitteeMr Peter W Allen, MA, FCA, CIMgtformer GovernorProfessor Judith Armitage, PhD, FRSGovernorMr W Lawrence Banks, CBEformer GovernorProfessor Jean D Beggs, FRSE, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Wendy Bickmore, CBE, BA, PhD, FMedSci, FRSEGovernorProfessor Adrian Bird, CBE, FRS, FRSEGovernorProfessor Tim Bliss, FMedSci, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Julian Blow, PhD, FRSEcurrent member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor D J Bradley, DM, FRCP, FRCPathformer representative of the University of LondonMr G James M Buckleyformer GovernorProfessor Jon Cohen, MSc, MB, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCPE, FMEdSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Mary Collins, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Cyrus Cooper, OBE, MA, DM, FRCP, FFPH, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeDr Michael J Crumpton, CBE, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Janet Darbyshire, CBE, FMedSciformer GovernorProfessor Dame Kay Davies, CBE, DBE, MA, DPhil FMedSci FRCP(hon), FRCPath, FRSformer GovernorProfessor J F William Deakin, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Annette C Dolphin, PhD, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Sir Anthony Epstein, CBE, FRS, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Tom. J. Evans MA, PhD, MBBChir, FRCPMember of the Scientific CommitteeDr H W K Fell, MB, BChirformer representative the British Medical AssociationProfessor M A Ferguson-Smith, FRSformer representative the University of CambridgeProfessor Rebecca Fitzgerald MACantab, MD, FMedSciGovernorProfessor Margaret Frame, PhD, FRSE, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMr Michael French, BSc (Eng), FCAformer Treasurer, Governor and Chair of the Finance and Investment CommitteeProfessor Siamon Gordon, MB, ChBformer member of the Scientific CommitteeSir James Gowans, CBE, FRS, FMedSciformer Chair of SAC, and former GovernorMr C Edward Guinness, CVO,former GovernorHon Rory Guinness, BA, FCIMGovernor, Lord Iveagh’s representativeProfessor Muzlifah Haniffa FMedSciMember of the Scientific CommitteeDr David N F Harris, MB, ChB, DA, MD, FFARCSformer representative the Worshipful Company of GrocersProfessor Nick D Hastie, PhD, FRSE, FRS, FMedSciformer member of SAC & former rep Univ of EdinburghProfessor Doug Higgs, MBBS, MRCP, MRCPath, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci, FRSGovernor and representative of the Royal SocietyDr Trevor Hince, PhDformer Director of the InstituteProfessor Aroon Hingorani PhD, FRCP, FESCmember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor David Holden, FRS, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Corinne Houart, PhDformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMr Andrew Hutton MA, CFAGovernorDr Stephen C Inglis, PhDformer GovernorProfessor Sir John Iredale, BM(Hons), FMedSci, FRCP, FRSEChair of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Robin R Irvine, MA, FlBiol, FMedSci, FRSformer Chair of the Scientific CommitteeDr David Ish-Horowicz, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeLord Edward IveaghFormer GovernorProfessor Sir Alec Jeffreys, CH, FMedSci, FRSGovernorDr Alison J Jones, MD, FRCPformer representative the President of the Royal College of Physicians, EdinburghMrs Naomi Kingformer member of staffProfessor Sir P J Lachmann, ScD, FRS, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor E Birgitte Lane, FRSE, FmedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMs Kate Law BScformer director of the InstituteMr Murray Legg, BSc, FCATreasurer and Chairman of the Finance and Investment CommitteeProfessor Irene Leigh, OBE, MD, FRCP, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Nick Lemoine, MD, PhD, FRCPath, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Iain B McInnes CBE, PhD, FRCP, FRSE, FMedSciMember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor A J McMichael, FRS, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMr Stephen McMahon, MA (Oxon), FCA, FCSIGovernorProfessor Sir Alex Markham, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSciChair of the Governing BodyProfessor Patrick Maxwell, FMedSciformer Chairman of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Robert H Michell, DSc, FMedSci, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Kingston Mills BA,PhDformer representative the University of DublinProfessor Anthony C Minson, MA, PhD, FMedSciformer Governor and former rep the University of CambridgeDr Alan J Munro PhDformer GovernorProfessor Kikkeri K Naresh, MBBS, MD, DCP, FRCPathcurrent member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Catherine Nobes, BSc PhD, University of Bristolcurrent member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor R O’Regan, MRIAformer representative the Royal Irish AcademyDr Bridget Ogilvie, DBE, AC, ScD, FlBiol, FMedSci, FRSformer Chair of the Governing BodyProfessor Sir Mike Owen, PhD, FRCPsych, FMedSci, FLSWmember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Linda Partridge, CBE, FRSE, FMedSci, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Elizabeth Patton, BSc, PhDmember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Mark Pepys, FMedSci, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Sir Keith Peters, FRS, FMedSciformer Governor and former member of SACMr Matthew Pintus BAGovernorProfessor Elizabeth Patton, BSc, PhDmember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Barry V L Potter MA DPhil DSc (Oxon) FRSB FRSC MAE FmedScicurrent member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Fiona Powrie, FRS FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Sir Peter J Ratcliffe, MD, FRCP, FMedSci, FRSformer GovernorRegius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge(Professor Patrick Maxwell)Mr John Rhodesformer GovernorProfessor Alan B Rickinson, FRCP, FMedSci, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMrs Freda M Richardsformer member of staffProfessor Eleanor M Riley, MRCVS, PhDformer representative the University of LondonDr Colin Roberts, MD, MRCP, FRCPCHformer representative the British Medical AssociationProfessor Dame Pamela Shaw, DBE, MBBS, MD, FRCP, FMedSci, FAAN, FANA, FAAASGovernorProfessor William V Shaw, MDformer Chair of SAC, and former GovernorProfessor Brian Spratt, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Kate Storey, FRSEformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Christoph Tang, MBChB, PhD, FMedScimember of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Jean O Thomas, CBE, FRS, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Janet Thornton, DBE, FRS.former member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Cheryll Tickle, MA, PhD, FMedSci, FRSformer Governor and former member of SACDr Patricia Tippett, OBE, PhDformer member of staffProfessor Josef Vormoorformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Fiona Watt, FRSformer member of the Scientific CommitteeProfessor Colin Watts, FRS, FRSE, FMedSciformer member of the Scientific CommitteeMrs Jacky Wilsonformer member of staffProfessor Magda Zernicka-Goetzcurrent member of the Scientific Committee