Dr Kimberley A Watson

Categories: Biochemistry, Chemical biology, Diabetes, Metabolism (inc diabetes and obesity), Microbiome, Molecular Biophysics, Structural Biology
Location: University of Reading

Fellow 1999-2005

Area of Current Research Interests
Structural biochemistry of membrane proteins, immune response proteins and metabolic enzymes for diet and health; exploring structure-function relationships at the molecular level

Other Information
Transferred fellowship to University of Reading 1.10.01.
Reader in Structural Biology from 1.10.01.
Granted unpaid leave of absence from 1.10.01 to 31.3.02.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2001.
Fellow and Chartered Biologist of the Royal Society of Biology, 2002.
Granted maternity leave from 1.8.03 for 4 months.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2006.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2018
Promoted to Professor of Structural Biochemistry from 1.08.2018.