Professor Darren G Monckton
Fellow 1998-2003
Area of Current Research Interests
Interest in inherited human disorders associated with unstable DNA, e.g. myotonic dystrophy and Huntington’s Disease. Studying molecular mechanisms that give rise to somatic and germ line genetic instability. The relation of these factors to downstream pathology.
Other Information
Presented the Genetical Society’s Balfour Lecture 1999.
Promoted to Reader from 1.8.00.
Awarded Personal Chair in Human Genetics, 2005.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2005.
Awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship, 2007.
Presented the Tenovus (Scotland) Medal Lecture, 2008.
Awarded Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Science Communication Award, 2012.
Awarded Muscular Dystrophy UK President’s Award for Scientist of the Year, 2017.
Awarded Huntington’s Disease Society of America Researcher of the Year, 2019.