Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys
Fellow 1982-1991
Most recent area of research interests before retirement in 2012
Direct analysis of the mutational and recombinational processes operating in the germ line that creates human genome diversity.
Other Information
Promoted to Reader, Department of Genetics, 1984.
Awarded the Colworth Medal for Biochemistry by the Biochemical Society.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, March 1986.
Invention – DNA Fingerprinting Technology – exploited commercially by ICI under licence from the Lister Institute, June 1986.
Fellowship extended by 5 years to 30.9.92.
Carter Medal by the Clinical Genetics Society, 1987.
Awarded the 1987 Bicentenary Medal of the Linnean Society.
Awarded the Davy Medal for Chemistry and Biochemistry of The Royal Society, 1987.
Professor (Personal Chair) in the Department of Genetics from 1.10.87.
Awarded the Analytica Prize from the German Society for Clinical Chemistry, April 1988.
“Midlander of the Year”, 1988.
Leicester Publicity Association Achievement of the Year Award, 1989.
Elected Fellow of the Forensic Science Society of India, September 1989.
Elected Honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, December 1989.
Elected Fellow Royal College of Pathologists, 1991.
Resigned Fellowship on appointment as Wolfson Research Professor of The Royal Society from 1.10.91.
Elected member of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee, July 1991.
Awarded the Allen Award by the American Society of Human Genetics, 1992.
Awarded the Milano Award, 1992, in memory of Norberto Montalbetti, by the Fondazione Internationale Biotechnologie, Milan.
Elected a Member of the Institute, March 1992.
Awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholarship, 1993-1998.
Elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, June 1993.
Freedom of the City of Leicester conferred 27.8.93.
Awarded the Lloyd of Kilgerran Prize from the Foundation for Science and Technology, November 1993.
Honour of Knighthood conferred in the New Year’s Honours, 1994.
Elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, and awarded their gold medal for Zoology, 1994.
Co-opted as a Governor of the Institute, 18.7.95.
Awarded the Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Memorial Medal, 1995.
Awarded the Albert Einstein ‘World Award of Science’ 1996 by the World Cultural Council.
Elected Honorary Member, International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, 1997.
Awarded the Baly Medal by the Royal College of Physicians, 1997.
Awarded the Society of Chemical Industry Medal, 1997.
Elected Honorary Member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 1998.
Honorary Life Member, Leicestershire Medico-Legal Society, 1998.
Co-recipient of the Australian Prize awarded in Molecular Genetics, 1998.
Elected Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Biology, 1998
(conferment of the title, Chartered Biologist).
Awarded honorary degrees by the Open University, Luton University, St Andrews University and Strathclyde University.
Elected as founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 1998.
Awarded the Sir George Stokes Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
Awarded the Edward Buchner Prize by the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000.
Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Society of Medicine, 2001.
Work honoured by Royal Society of Chemistry with a National Historic Chemical Landmark Award, 2002.
Voted Top Leicestershire Person by readers of The Leicester Mercury, 2002.
Hon Member of the Biochemical Society, 2003.
Given the AMP (Association of Molecular Pathology, USA) award for excellence in diagnostics, 2003.
Awarded honorary DSc degrees by the Universities of Hull and Oxford, 2004.
Awarded an Honorary Gold Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2004.
Co-recipient of Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, 2004.
Recipient of a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Lifetime Achievement Award, 2004.
Awarded an Hon DSc by University of Leicester, 2004.
Awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society, 2004.
Awarded an Honorary DSc by Kingston University, 2005.
Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Washington DC, USA, 2005.
Honorary Fellowship conferred by the University of Swansea, 2005.
Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award, shared with Sir Edwin Southern, New York, USA, 2005.Awarded Dr H P Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006.
Winner of the Morgan Stanley Great Briton Award in Science & Innovation and overall winner of the award Great Briton 2006.
Awarded Honorary DSc, University of Warwick, 2007.
Awarded Honorary DSC, King’s College London, 2007.
Awarded Honorary DSC, University of Teesside, 2007.
Millennium Laureate, Millennium Foundation, Helsinki, Finland, 2008.
Association of College Gold Award for Further Education Alumni, 2008.
Awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Dundee, 2008.
Awarded Distinguished Honorary Fellowship, University of Leicester, 2009.
Awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, University of Huddersfield, 2009.
Croonian Lecture Prize, Royal Society, London, 2010.
ESHG Award 2010, the European Society for Human Genetics, 2010.
Edward O Wilson Biodiversity Technology Pioneer Award, the American Computer Museum, Bozeman, MT, USA, 2010.
Excellence Award, Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Noida, India, 2010.
ABRF Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Biomolecular Technologies, Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2011.
Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012.
Honorary Member of the Genetics Society, 2012.
Elected an Honorary member of the Clinical Genetics Society, 2013.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, University of Hong Kong, 2013.
AstraZeneca Award, Biochemical Society, 2013
Awarded Copley Medal, 2014.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, De Montfort University, 2014.
Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Wolverhampton University, 2014.
Companion of Honour, 2017.
Leicestershire Lifetime Achievement Award, 2019.