Professor Peter J Cullen

Categories: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Structural Biology
Location: University of Bristol

Fellow 1999-2003

Area of Current Research Interests
We study the molecular mechanisms of protein sorting in mammalian cells and the fundamental role it plays in cell, tissue and organism-level function. Specifically, our mechanistic dissection of protein sorting within the endosomal network has provided the framework to understand and interpret the de-regulation of endosomal protein sorting observed in a broad array of human diseases. These include cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders, most notably Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease, as well as metabolic disorders such a type 2 diabetes.

Other Information
Promoted to Professor, 2002.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 2005.
Royal Society Merit Award Holder, 2008.
Biochemical Society Morton Lecture, 2010.
Keith Stanley Lecture, 2011.
Elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2020.
Royal Society Noreen Murray Research Professorship, 2021.
Elected Member of EMBO, 2021.