Dr G Marius Clore
Fellow 1982-1984
Area of Current Research Interests
Solution studies on the structure and dynamics of proteins, protein-protein complexes and protein nucleic acid complexes using a range of NMR spectroscopy methods.
Other Information
Resigned fellowship on appointment as Joint Head of the Biological NMR Group, Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Munich, 1.10.84.
Appointed Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 1988.
Scientific Achievement Award (Biological Sciences) Washington Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Distinguished Young Scientist Award of the Maryland Academy of Sciences, 1990.
Elected Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), 1990.
Elected Fellow Washington Academy of Sciences, 1991.
Appointed Chief, Protein NMR Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, 1991.
Director’s Award, National Institutes of Health, 1992.
National Institutes of Health Lecture, 1993.
Dupont-Merck Young Investigator Award of the Protein Society, 1993.
Appointed to Senior Biomedical Research Service, 1996.
The Harrington Lecture, NIMR, 1996-1997.
Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 1999.
Original member, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Highly Cited Researchers Database (2001).
Elected a Member of the Institute 2003.
Elected Fellow of the Biophysical Society (USA), 2009.
Hillebrand Award of the Washington Chapter of the American Chemical Society, 2010
Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010.
Appointed NIH Distinguished Investigator, 2011.
Elected a Fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance for “Seminal contributions in the field of biological NMR”, 2011.
Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize, 2011.
Biochemical Society 2013 Centenary Award and Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Memorial Lecture, 2012.
Elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 2014.
Elected Foreign Member of Academia Europaea, 2015
Biophysical Society Innovation Award, 2020.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 2020.
Biophysical Society Innovation Award, 2020.
Khorana Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021.
Awarded honorary doctorate (DSc) from University College London, 2021.
Biopolymers Murray Goodman Memorial Prize, 2021.