Professor Dennis R Burton
Fellow 1985-1991
Area of Current Research Interests
Generation of human antibodies in response to infectious agents, particularly HIV and the impact of this on vaccine design.
Other Information
Lister Institute-Jenner Fellow.
Promoted to Senior Lecturer from 1.10.87.
One year’s sabbatical at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, July 1989 to August 1990.
Fellowship extended by 2 yrs to Sept 1992 & sabbatical leave at the Scripps Inst extended by 1 yr to Aug 1991.
Appointed Professor (Personal Chair) in the Department of Biochemistry from 1.10.90.
Resigned fellowship on appointment to the staff of the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, on 1.10.91.
1995-2005 NIH Merit Award.
Elected a Member of the Institute 2003.