Professor Sir Leszek K Borysiewicz

Categories: Cancer, Immunology
Location: Cancer Research UK

Fellow 1983-1987

Area of Current Research Interests
Active in research management, education and administration. General interest in infectious diseases and viral infection processes.

Other Information
Temporary Clinical Senior Registrar 1.4.86 – 31.12.86.
Hon Senior Lecturer/Consultant from 1.4.87.
Appointed Wellcome Senior Lecturer, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, having resigned Lister Fellowship, 1.1.88.
Appointed Lecturer in Medicine, University of Cambridge, 1988.
Appointed Professor of Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, 1.1.91.
Elected a Member of the Institute, 1993.
Appointed to the Council of the MRC, 1995.
Elected member of the Institute’s SAC, 1996.
Appointed Chairman of the Molecular & Cell Medicines Board, 1996.
Elected as Foreign Member of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Arts & Science, 1998.
Chairman of the Hospital-based Clinical Subjects Unit of Assessment Panel for the 2001 RAE.
Founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 1998.
Knighthood, New Year’s Honours List, 2001
Appointed Principal, Imperial College School of Medicine from 1.2.01.
Appointed Chairman of the Joint Medical Advisory Committee to the Higher Education Funding Council 2002.
Appointed Deputy Rector, Imperial College London, 1.10.04.
Appointed Chief Executive, MRC, 2008.
Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, 2008.
Appointed Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge, 2010.
Appointed Chairman, Cancer Research UK, 2017.
Appointed Board Trustee, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2017
Appointed Governor, Director & Charity Trustee, Courtauld Institute of Art, 2019
Appointed Council Member, Imperial College London, August 2021