Professor Anne E Rosser

Fellow 2001-2005 Area of Current Research Interests Mechanisms underlying embryonic neural precursor cell differentiation and therapeutic role in neural degeneration. Other Information Awarded a personal Chair in Clinical Neuroscience from 1.1.03 at the University of Wales, College of Medicine and…

Professor David G Kipling

Fellow 1995-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Cancer biology: molecular control of cell proliferation and death. Specific interests in telomeres and telomerase, and p53 induced cell senescence. Other Information Appointed Senior Lecturer in Cancer Biology, University of Wales College of…

Dr Catherine A Boulter

Fellow 1993-2000 Area of Current Research Interests Molecular genetics of mammalian development with a particular focus on kidney development and genetic disorders characterized by abnormal growth and differentiation. Other Information Maternity leave 1994 and fellowship extended to 1998. Maternity leave…